Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Daymare Town Game Cheat Codes

Daymare Town

1. From the view of the town square, zoom in on the well in the centre
2. Collect the coin from the lip of the well and then collect the little
hook from the ground to the left of the well. Zoom back out
3. Zoom in on the stone that’s to the right of the well
4. Collect the string to the left of the stone and then look behind the stone
and collect the key. Zoom back out
5. Combine the hook and the key and then zoom in on the drain
6. Use the hook and string on the drain and the collect the first piece of
the Chinese puzzle. Zoom back out
7. On the left hand side of the first view is a ledge running around the
building. Zoom in on this and you will spot the first of 10 birds you need
to spot
8. Click up to the sky and then click on the roof just to the right of the tall
chimney, you’ll spot another bird here
9. Return to the town square and then click on the armoury building. It’s the
one on the right with three arched windows
10. Enter the armoury and then examine the little cupboard on the stairs. Inside
you’ll find a screwdriver
11. Next zoom in on the picture of the soldier and make a note of his buttons
on his uniform
12. After looking at the picture enter the office to the right. You may see the
librarian hiding here, if you click on him he’ll run away. In the office
click the top right hand corner of the room. You’ll be able to scale the
chimney here and spot another bird at the top
13. Leave the office and then enter the torture room that’s straight ahead.
Look in the recess and examine the sink. You may see the librarian here
again but just ignore him for the moment
14. Use the hook and string on the sink and collect another key
15. Leave the torture room and go up the stairs to the first floor. Collect
the cloth on the floor. You can now leave the armoury
16. Back in the town square, click on the book house, which is the building
with really tall door
17. When you’re zoomed in on the door, examine the small hole in the wall and
collect the lighter. Enter the book house and then enter the elevator
18. Zoom in on the control panel and go down to the basement
19. Leave the basement and turn around. Enter the scary place and collect the
plate. Return to the elevator and go to the top floor, the reading room
20. Leave the elevator and then examine the picture of the house on the wall
21. Click to the left hand side to look behind the picture and get the scroll
22. Zoom in on the bird on the roof of the house to locate yet another bird
23. Go back to the room and zoom in on the reading area to the right. Collect
the book from the reading stand
24. Go back to the elevator and go to the archives on floor -1
25. Leave the elevator and go to the massive book case to the right. Find the
book with a dot on it on the middle shelf. You can then open this book to
find another bird
26. Back to the elevator and go to the workshop on floor -2
27. Leave the elevator and zoom in on the puzzle on the wall. Turn the buttons
so they match the patter you saw on the soldier in the picture. The puzzle
will slide open and you can collect the second piece to the Chinese puzzle
28. Move to the right and zoom in on the table
29. Click the stone to lift it and then place the scroll underneath. The stone
will fall and crush the scroll revealing the sixth piece to the Chinese
30. Go back to the elevator and to the ground floor and then leave the book
31. Return to the armoury and zoom in on the ‘strange looking ornament’ on the
left side of the door
32. Place the plate you found in the scary area in the circle.
33. Enter the armoury and go to the top floor. You’ll now find the forth piece
of the Chinese puzzle on the stand
34. Go down the stairs and re-enter the torture room. Find the librarian in the
recess and then give him the book you found from the reading room. He’ll
gleefully take the book and drop the fifth piece of the Chinese puzzle which
you can now collect
35. Leave the armoury and go to the passage on the right hand side of the town
36. Firstly, combine the screwdriver and cloth to make a simple torch
37. Zoom in on the passage and place the torch in the jutting out hole
38. Next take the lighter and light the torch. When the little people appear,
give their leader the coin you found from the well. In return he will give
you third piece of the Chinese puzzle
39. Return to the town square and zoom in on the town hall, it’s the building on
the left with the huge staircase
40. Enter the town hall and examine the beam above your head. You can then
examine and place in the centre of the jumble of beams which will reveal
another bird
41. Return to ground level and enter the second office on the right. Look behind
the desk to find a safe and then use the key from the sink to open it. Inside
you’ll find the seventh piece of the Chinese puzzle
42. Leave this office and then enter the third office on the left. Look up in the
right hand corner and then examine the nest you can see. Here you’ll find
another bird
43. Leave the office and go to the end of the corridor. Move to the left and follow
the stairs down, past the first section of Chinese puzzle stands and to an area
between two sets of stairs with a single round window in the wall
44. Look up and then examine the right hand window. Here you’ll find another bird
45. Return to ground level and then move right
46. Click the balcony on the left hand side, near to the wall, and you’ll look around
the building to see another bird
47. Go all the way back to the town hall
48. Leave the town hall for now, but stay looking at the staircase to it
49. Click to the left and you’ll see an alleyway leading up. Follow this to the top
and the locked door. Use the key you found in the drain to open it.
50. Ignoring the prisoner’s pleas for the moment, look out of the window and examine
the tree you can see. There’s a hot spot in the upper left hand side where you
can spot a last and final bird
51. Return down the stairs to the bottom of the alleyway and then click and move
left again
52. Look behind the wall and you’ll see a stand with buttons running up its length.
These change colour as you spot the birds. When they are all coloured in, as they
should be now, a golden egg should appear on the top which you can now collect
53. Return to the alleyway and go back to the prisoner’s room. Give the prisoner the
golden egg. He doesn’t give you anything in return but at least it makes you feel
54. Go back to the town hall and go to the end of the corridor
55. Move right and down the stairs to the stands for the Chinese puzzle. Matching the
symbols on the stands to the shape of the pieces for the puzzle, put the pieces
onto their respective stands and then click the button. The top of the stands should
then move in. Do this for the three stands that require this. One of the stands is
already done
56. Move back up the stairs and then down to the left and do the same thing with the
stands on this side
57. Move down to the right and pull the lever, releasing the mechanical stairs which
you can use to escape Daymare Town

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