Thursday, November 25, 2010

Doctor Ku 2 - The Kitchen Game Cheat Codes

Doctor Ku 2 - The Kitchen

Tips and Tricks:
Submitted by: RM

1. Take the cup on the far right.
2. Turn the right knob on the stove, steal the chili pepper, and
use the cup on the sink. Your inventory should include the chili
pepper, and a cup of water.
3. Turn off the radio, and put the chili pepper into the blender.
4. Turn the right knob again, and heat the cup of water on it.
5. Using the heated cup of water, click on the thermostat to your
left, and peel off the min and max stickers. Switch them, then
turn the knob to the new min.
6. Steal the key on chef's head.
7. Use the key on the locker to your left.
8. Take the left sock, the tube of paste, and the razor.
9. Turn the right knob on the stove again, and heat the tube of
paste on it.
10. Using the blade, click on the plant to the far right to get a stick.
11. Use the sock on the stick, and take a lobster.
12. Put the lobster onto the plate, and the waiter will take it away.
13. Use the tube of paste onto the cake right away.
14. Escape the kitchen.

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