Thursday, November 25, 2010

Doom 3 Game Cheat Codes

Doom 3

Cheat Codes:
Update by: bart beuving
Submitted by: conner54

Bring up the console with [~] then type any of the following cheat codes:
Note: To enable the console, add +set com_allowConsole 1 to your command-line
shortcut for the game. Alternately, you can try using [Ctrl] + [Alt] + [~] to
bring up the console.

Example: C:\Doom3\doom3.exe +set com_allowConsole 1
-or- if your game is stored in a folder with a space:
Example: "C:\Program Files\Doom3\doom3.exe" +set com_allowConsole 1

Code Result
god - God Mode
noclip - No Clipping Mode
notarget - Invisibility
benchmark - Benchmark Game
doomhell - Skip All Levels
freeze - Freeze Everything
aviDemo - Save Demo in AVI Format
gfxinfo - Graphics Card Info
give all - All Weapons and Ammo
give doom95 - Load '95 Version of Doom
give keys - Give All Keys
give weapon_machinegun - Give Machine Gun
give weapon_shotgun - Give Shotgun
give weapon_plasmagun - Give Plasma Gun
give weapon_bfg - Give BFG
give weapon_chainsaw - Give Chainsaw
give weapon_rocketlauncher - Give Rocket Launcher
status - Your Game Status
quit - Quit Game
com_drawfps 1 - Show FPS
map # Load Map # - (See List)
spawn # Spawn # - (See List)

Map List:
(Use with the MAP command)

Map Map Name
----------------------------- - Mars City 1 - Mars Underground - Mars City 2 - Administration - Alpha Labs Sector 1 - Alpha Labs Sector 2 - Alpha Labs Sector 3 - Alpha Labs Sector 4 - EnPro Plant - Comm Transfer - Communications - Monorail Skybridge - Recycling Sector 2 - Monorail - Delta Labs Level 1 - Delta Labs Level 2A - Delta Labs Level 2B - Delta Labs Level 3 - Delta Labs Level 4 - Hell - Delta Complex - CPU Complex - Central Processing - Site 3 - Caverns Area 1 - Caverns Area 2 - Primary Excavation

Spawn List:
(Use with the SPAWN command)

Flaming Zombie - monster_zombie_bernie
Chainsaw Zombie - monster_zombie_sawyer
Z-sec Zombie with machine gun - monster_zombie_zsec_machinegun
Z-sec Zombie with pistol - monster_zombie_zsec_pistol
Z-sec Zombie with shield - monster_zombie_zsec_shield
Z-sec Zombie with shotgun - monster_zombie_zsec_shotgun
Commando Zombie - monster_zombie_commando
Commando Zombie with Chaingun - monster_zombie_commando_cgun
Fat Zombie - monster_zombie_fat2
Fat Zombie with wrench - monster_zombie_fat_wrench
Bald Zombie - monster_zombie_maint_bald
Zombie with no jaw - monster_zombie_maint_nojaw
Zombie with Wrench - monster_zombie_maint_wrench
Skinny Zombie - monster_zombie_maint_skinny
Zombie - monster_zombie_maint
Zombie - monster_zombie_maint2
Zombie wth Flashlight - monster_zombie_ maint_flashlight
Headless Zombie - monster_zombie_suit_neckstump
Zombie - monster_zombie_suit_bloodymouth
Skinny Zombie - monster_zombie_suit_skinny
Zombie in Labcoat - monster_zombie_labcoat
Zombie Missing Limb - monster_zombie_limb
Zombie - monster_zombie_skinny
Zombie with a pipe - monster_zombie_pipe
Zombie in T-shirt - monster_zombie_tshirt_bald
Zombie - monster_zombie_tshirt_blown
Zombie in Jumpsuit - monster_zombie_jumpsuit
Zombie Eating - monster_zombie_jumpsuit_eating
Archvile - monster_demon_archvile
Cherub - monster_demon_cherub
Hellknight - monster_demon_hellknight
Imp - monster_demon_imp
Maggot - monster_demon_maggot
Mancubus - monster_demon_mancubus
Pinky - monster_demon_pinky
Revenant - monster_demon_revenant
Tick - monster_demon_tick
Trite - monster_demon_trite
Wraith - monster_demon_wraith
Cyberdemon - monster_boss_cyberdemon
Gaurdian - monster_boss_guardian
Guardian's Seeker - monster_boss_guardian_seeker
Sabaoth - monster_boss_sabaoth
Vagary - monster_boss_Vagary

Submitted by: Peter

In Doom 3, Delta Labs - Level wrote: "There is a cabinet here, but
I don't know the code, so if you know where to find the missing PDA,
please let me know" it is not a PDA is on a sticky to the right of the
keypad of cabinet 114 the code is 715.

Submitted by: Matthew Gatioan

Bring the console menu by pressing CTRL+Shift+ ~ or CTRL+ALT+~. I forgot
which one works.Anyway type the following in the console:

god - [on],[off] turns god mode on or off
notarget - invisibility for some monsters
give health - gives you maximum health
give ammo - gives you ammunition for all weapons available
give armor - gives maximum armor

other cheats I discovered during the game:

spawn item_medkit - spawns medkit
spawn weapon_X - where x is the name of the weapon

Be creative type randomly what comes in to your mind: This might work
give keys or give cards
I just hope it works haven't try it yet

Submitted by: SYBOT

About that Cabinet containin the BFG Gun the Code is 931 you should
find the PDA in the first two stages I guss...

Spawn List: (Use with the SPAWN command):
Submitted by: H. M. MARAJ

Flaming Zombie : monster_zombie_bernie
Chainsaw Zombie : monster_zombie_sawyer
Z-sec Zombie with machine gun: monster_zsec_machinegun
Z-sec Zombie with pistol : monster_zsec_pistol
Z-sec Zombie with shield : monster_zombie_zsec_shield
Z-sec Zombie with shotgun : monster_zsec_shotgun
Commando Zombie : monster_zombie_commando
Commando Zombie with Chaingun: monster_zombie_commando_cgun
Fat Zombie : monster_zombie_fat2
Fat Zombie with wrench : monster_zombie_fat_wrench
Bald Zombie : monster_zombie_maint_bald
Zombie with no jaw : monster_zombie_maint_nojaw
Zombie with Wrench : monster_zombie_maint_wrench
Skinny Zombie : monster_zombie_maint_skinny
Zombie : monster_zombie_maint
Zombie : monster_zombie_maint2
Zombie wth Flashlight : monster_zombie_ maint_flashlight
Headless Zombie : monster_zombie_suit_neckstump
Zombie : monster_zombie_suit_bloodymouth
Skinny Zombie : monster_zombie_suit_skinny
Zombie in Labcoat : monster_zombie_labcoat
Zombie Missing Limb : monster_zombie_limb
Zombie : monster_zombie_skinny
Zombie with a pipe : monster_zombie_pipe
Zombie in T-shirt : monster_zombie_tshirt_bald
Zombie : monster_zombie_tshirt_blown
Zombie in Jumpsuit : monster_zombie_jumpsuit
Zombie Eating : monster_zombie_jumpsuit_eating
Archvile : monster_demon_archvile
Cherub : monster_demon_cherub
Hellknight : monster_demon_hellknight
Imp : monster_demon_imp
Maggot : monster_demon_maggot
Mancubus : monster_demon_mancubus
Pinky : monster_demon_pinky
Revenant : monster_demon_revenant
Tick : monster_demon_tick
Trite : monster_demon_trite
Wraith : monster_demon_wraith
Cyberdemon : monster_boss_cyberdemon
Gaurdian : monster_boss_guardian
Guardian's Seeker : monster_boss_guardian_seeker
Sabaoth : monster_boss_sabaoth
Vagary : monster_boss_Vagary
Adrenaline Power-up : powerup_adrenaline
Megahealth Power-up : powerup_megahealth
Invisibility Power-up : powerup_invisibility

Unlock PDA's and Videos
Bring up the console using [CTRL]+[ALT]+[~],then type any of the following codes:
Submitted by: H. M. MARAJ

give pda admin_banks
give pda admin_dorweiler
give pda admin_moses
give pda admin_simons
give pda alphalabs1_berger
give pda alphalabs1_krietman
give pda alphalabs1_lipsitz
give pda alphalabs1_smith
give pda alphalabs2_chin
give pda alphalabs2_connors
give pda alphalabs3_abrams
give pda alphalabs3_lamia
give pda alphalabs3_nelson
give pda alphalabs3_poota
give pda alphalabs4_kaczynski
give pda caverns1_cody
give pda comm1_blake
give pda comm1_finch
give pda comm1_wolfe
give pda comm1_wolfe
give pda commoutside_holiday
give pda commoutside_ridge
give pda cpu_bates
give pda cpu_haskell
give pda cpuboss_tooloose
give pda delta1_mora
give pda delta1_price
give pda delta2a_cinders
give pda delta2a_raleigh
give pda delta2a_wilson
give pda delta2b_bullman
give pda delta2b_erikson
give pda delta2b_mcneil
give pda delta2b_stemmons
give pda delta3_cerano
give pda delta3_lee
give pda delta3_shultz
give pda delta4_gilbert
give pda delta5_jackson
give pda delta5_swann
give pda enpro_chasar
give pda enpro_hammer
give pda enpro_raad
give pda hell_garlick
give pda hell_hebert
give pda marscity2_caseon
give pda marscity2_duncan
give pda marscity2_stanton
give pda marscity2_tyson
give pda mc1_berneche
give pda mcunderground_baston
give pda mcunderground_delahue
give pda mcunderground_ryan
give pda mcunderground_young
give pda monorail_cullen
give pda monorail_harding
give pda monorail_hollies
give pda monorail_ross
give pda recycling1_garza
give pda recycling1_sadowayj
give pda recycling2_johnson
give pda recycling2_moen
give pda site3_davis
give pda site3_rogers
give video epd - Download Video disk with content
give video hydrocon
give video mfs
give video bfg
give video chaingun
give video demon_museum
give video ian_report
give video ipn_news
give video plasmagun
give video recycling
give video soulcube
give video tablets

Go Beserk:
Submitted by: H. M. MARAJ

Bring up the console using [CTRL] + [ALT] + [~], then type: give beserk.

Unlock Nightmare Difficulty:
Submitted by: H. M. MARAJ

Open your doomconfig.cfg file with Notepad and change the line:

seta g_nightmare "0"
seta g_nightmare "1"

Locker Codes:

#07 - 725
#38 - 409
#39 - 102
#63 - 972
#64 - 651
#054 - 142
#103 - 259
#104 - 579
#112 - 538
#386 - 836
#387 - 836

Airlock - 826
Level 3 - 463
Medical - 364

Supply Lockers (assorted locations):

298, 584, 396, 483, 246, 752

MartianBuddy - 0508

Other Cheat Codes:
(Bring up the console using [CTRL] + [ALT] + [~], Then type)
Submitted by: H. M. MARAJ


Submitted by: sternking (ERS)

Before you meet the final boss, turn left and you will find a stone on the wall
with "id" symbol on it. Push that stone, a secret chamber will open, which has
a PDA of id software with security clearance to all levels and messages from id

View credits:
Go to the Excavation Site level (final map) and get just before you enter the halls
of Cyber-Satan. Walk to the left in the lower dungeons just before you reach the
location where the wall breaks open and the intermission sequence of you discovering
the final Boss starts. You will reach a dead end. Crouch and face the wall of the
dead end. Look directly above the floor under a few protruding bricks to see the iD
logo in the stone wall. Place your cross-hair on it. The same sound played when you
use a computer will be heard. Click the iD logo. The brick it on will push into the
wall with a scratching sound. A new path to your left will appear. Follow it to find
a chamber lit by red light that has a huge horned skull on the back wall. Below the
skull is a bloody pentagram with a PDA positioned in the center. Download the data
from the iD PDA into your own to read . You will find e-mails from the game

Defeating Sabaoth:
Note: A charged Soul Cube is requried for this trick. As soon as you enter the room
with Sabaoth, the door in front of you will open and he will say "Welcome to mess
hall". Fire the five rockets and you might detonate the BFG shot that he fires. After
firing the five rockets he will be very close to you. Stand still and fire your Soul
Cube to defeat him. Note: This was done under the normal difficulty setting.

Airlock combination:
During the Monorail level there will be a part where you will need a three digit code
to fix the airlock to continue. Try the code "862".

Save scientist:
In Delta Labs Level 3 South, almost as soon as you enter a room, you will see a zombie
marine shooting a scientist. It is possible to save him using the Soul Cube in nightmare
mode. Make sure you have the Soul Cube charged. As soon as you enter the room, use the
Soul Cube on the marine. The scientist will be unharmed and run away. You must be very
quick when you do, and it may require a few attempts.

Hidden message:
Go to Delta Labs Sector 4. When you get to the room with the second chainsaw zombie,
kill him, then face to the door that leads into the teleporter room. Look to the left.
You will see a skeleton sitting in a corner. Hit it out of the corner and you should
see a message written in black, reading "YOU LOUSY IT WORKS".

Made up items:
Type give , where the item is anything that is not an item in the game. The
window will say that the item is unknown, but it will say it is in your inventory.
For example, type give poop and the game will display "Unknown stat "poop" added
to player's inventory".

Defeating teleporting demons:
When a demon teleports in (generally signaled by whisperings, a red tint throughout the
screen, and always red lightning in the location where they will appear), you will have
a split second before they are able to attack. Take a good weapon (for example, a shotgun
or chainsaw for imps and wraiths) and stand close by. For powerful creatures, such as .
Pinkys, use a ranged weapon and stand at a safe distance. Remember to save the game often.

Skip Intro:
There is a game bug that let's you start the first actual level with full health, armor
and a shot gun. It also skips the whole introducion. Start a new game, and make a 180
degree turn and run forward. If done correctly you should fall to your death. (do you
do everything a stranger tells you to?) Now say "Restart Level" and it will start you
at the beginning of Mars City!

First Level in the kitchen:
When you just start the game and when you reach the kitchen you'll see two marines sitting
and chatting. Look to the left of them and you'll find a playable arcade game which has
the doom 1 graphics.

Cheat Codes:
Submitted By: Mehedi Hasan. Bangladesh.

Bring up the console by pressing Alt+Ctrl+~ then enter the following:

Cheat Effect
killmonsters Kills all Monsters
kill Commit suicide
com_showfps 1 Draws your Framerate.
freeze Freeze all on screen
give weapon_rocketlauncher give weapon_rocketlauncher
give weapon_plasmagun Plasmagun
give weapon_bfg BFG
give weapon_chainsaw Chainsaw
give weapon_shotgun Shotgun
give weapon_machinegun Machinegun
notarget Invisibility to most enemies
gfxinfo Graphicscard infomation
status Your game status
aviDemo Saves a demo of your playing to an AVI movie file
quit Quit game
benchmark Game Benchmark
give armor Gives you 125 armor
pm_thirdperson 0 3rd Person View OFF
pm_thirdperson 1 3rd Person View ON
pm_jumpheight ### Defines how high you jump.
pm_walkspeed ### Defines how fast you are when you walk.
com_allowconsole 1 :This will make it so you only have to press ~ to open the
console, no longer alt+ctrl+~.
pm_noclipspeed ### :Defines how fast you move with the "noclip" code turned on.
pm_crouchspeed ### :Defines how fast you are when you crouch.
pm_runspeed ### :Defines how fast you are when you run/sprint.
say :Send message to everyone in multi-player
g_showprojectilepct 1 Toggle hit % to HUD
s_showlevelmeter 1 Toggle sound level display
r_brightness <#> Set brightness level
r_gamma <0-3> Set gamma level
give keys All keys
killmoveables Kill all moving enemies
killragdolls Kill all non-moving enemies
listmonsters L lists images of monsters
listlightdefs Lists indicated def file settings
noclip Walk through solid objects
god God Mode
give all All weapons with full ammo, health and armor give health Max Health
give ammo Max Ammo
give weapon_chaingun Chaingun
g_showplayershadow 1 :You can see your shadow during singleplayer.
give pda Gives PDAs/disks of the level you're in.
editor Opens up map editor
give berserk Berserk mode
g_nightmare 1 Unlock Nightmare Mode
set g_dragEntity 1 :Grabs objects/bodies when you aim and fire at them
clear Clear console text
idkfa secret message
Com_Fixedtic -1 Removes 60 FPS Limit
clearlights All lights turn off. Only light is by flashlight....
testlight Makes a light for you to see better
spawn monster_zombie_morgue Spawns a zombie similar to the one in the infirmary.
give weapon_flashlight Gives Flashlight
gotohell Instant win
pomber Never out of ammo

Spawn monsters/items:

Cheat Effect
spawn monster_demon_cherub Spawns a cherub (baby locust)
spawn monster_demon_imp_crawler :Spawns an imp that starts out in crawling position.
spawn monster_demon_imp_crawl_armdoor :Spawns an imp in a weird position. Doesnt move.
spawn monster_demon_revenant Spawns a revenant.
spawn monster_flying_lostsoul Spawns a lostsoul, sorta low to the ground.
spawn monster_zombie_bernie Spawns a flaming Bernie zombie! Wewt!
spawn monster_zombie_boney Spawns a strong, boney zombie.
spawn monster_zombie_commando_cgun Chaingun Zombie
spawn monster_zombie_commando Tentacle Zombie
spawn monster_demon_archvile Spawns a Archvile
spawn monster_demon_cherub Spawns a Cherub
spawn monster_demon_hellknight Spawns a HellKnight
spawn monster_demon_imp Spawns a Imp
spawn monster_demon_maggot Spawns a Maggot
spawn monster_demon_mancubus Spawns a Mancubus
spawn monster_demon_pinky Spawns a Pinky
spawn monster_demon_revenant Spawns a Revenant
spawn monster_demon_tick Spawns a Tick
spawn monster_demon_trite Spawns a Trite
spawn monster_demon_imp Imp
spawn monster_demon_pinky Pinky Demon (Cyber dog)
spawn monster_demon_trite Trite demon
spawn monster_demon_maggot Maggot demon
spawn monster_demon_hellknight Hellknight demon
spawn monster_demon_tick Tick demon
spawn monster_flying_cacodemon Flying Cacodemon
spawn monster_demon_wraith Spawns a Wraith demon
spawn weapon_pistol Pistol
spawn weapon_bfg BFG 9000
spawn weapon_shotgun Shotgun
spawn weapon_chaingun Chaingun
spawn weapon_machinegun Machinegun
spawn weapon_rocketlauncher Rocket Launcher
spawn weapon_plasmagun Plasma Rifle
spawn weapon_soulcube Soul Cube
spawn monster_boss_cyberdemon Cyberdemon
spawn char_betruger spawns the evil betruger
spawn char_swann spawns swann
spawn char_campbell_bfgcase spawns campbell holding his bfg case
spawn moveable_chair (1,2 or 5) chair
spawn char_campbell spawns campbell holding...nothing!
spawn char_hazmat spawns a hazard suit scientist
spawn char_campbell_bfg spawns campbell holding bfg
spawn env_gibs_spine spawns a bloody spine
spawn env_gibs_torso spawns a bloody human torso
spawn env_gibs_leftleg (or right) :spawns a bloody leg
spawn env_gibs_leftarm (or right) :spawns a bloody arm
spawn moveable_ktable table
spawn moveable_computer computer
spawn moveable_base_fixed base
spawn moveable_base_barrel arrel
spawn moveable_base_domino domino
spawn moveable_base_boulder boulder
spawn moveable_burgerboxopen open burger box
spawn moveable_burgerboxclose closed burger box
spawn moveable_paperwad wad of paper
spawn moveable_burger burger
spawn moveable_base_brick base brick
spawn moveable_burningtank :oxygen tank that explodes when shot
spawn moveable_explodingtank :oxygen tank that explodes when shot
spawn moveable_burningbarrel highly explosive barrel
spawn moveable_explodingbarrel explosive barrel
spawn moveable_wrench wrench
spawn moveable_base base
spawn moveable_cannister canister
spawn moveable_blaptop laptop
spawn moveable_cartonbox (1-8) carton
spawn moveable_cokecan coke can
spawn moveable_monitor monitor
spawn moveable_gizmo (1-3) gizmo
spawn moveable_item_(any weapon here) weapons
spawn marscity_marine_helmet_p90_walking :armed guard
spawn char_security_goggles_pistol guard with a pistol
spawn env_ragdoll_skeleton2 a "clean" skeleton
spawn env_ragdoll_skeleton a bloody skeleton
spawn monster_zsec_pistol_slowfire Spawns a Zsec with a pistol, fires slowly.
spawn monster_zsec_shotgun Spawns a Zsec with a shotgun.
spawn monster_zsec_machinegun Spawns a Zsec with a machine gun.
spawn monster_zsec_pistol Spawns a Zsec with a pistol.
spawn ammo_belt_small Ammo for Chaingun
spawn ammo_bfg_small Ammo for BFG 9000
spawn ammo_bullets_small Ammo for Pistol
spawn ammo_bullets_large Large ammo for Pistol
spawn ammo_cells_small Ammo for Plasma Rifle
spawn ammo_cells_large Large ammo for Plasma Rifle
spawn ammo_clip_small Ammo for Machinegun
spawn ammo_clip_large Large ammo for Machinegun
spawn ammo_grenage_small Hand Grenades
spawn ammo_rockets_small Ammo for Rocket Launcher
spawn ammo_rockets_large Large ammo for Rocket Launcher
spawn ammo_shells_small Ammo for Shotgun
spawn ammo_shells_large Large ammo for Shotgun
spawn monster_zombie_fat Fat zombie
spawn monster_zombie_maint "Yellow Jacket" Zombie
spawn monster_zombie_fat2 :Spawns a Fat zombie with his intestines showing
spawn monster_zombie_fat_wrench :Spawns a Fat2 zombie holding a wrench
spawn monster_zombie_jumpsuit :Spawns a Jumpsuit zombie
spawn monster_zombie_maint_bald :Spawns a bald "Yellow Jacket" zombie
spawn monster_zombie_maint_nojaw :Spawns a "Yellow Jacket" zombie with no jaw
spawn monster_zombie_maint_skinny :Spawns a Skinny "Yellow Jacket" zombie
spawn monster_zombie_maint_wrench Spawns a No Jaw "Yellow Jacket" zombie with a wrench
spawn monster_zombie_maint2 Spawns a completely black "Yellow Jacket" zombie
spawn monster_zombie_maint_flashlight Spawns a No Jaw "Yellow Jacket" zombie with a flashlight
spawn monster_zombie_sawyer Spawns a Chainsaw zombie
spawn monster_zombie_skinny Spawns a skinny zombie
spawn monster_zombie_suit_neckstump Spawns a Suit zombie with no head
spawn monster_zombie_suit_bloodymouth Spawns a Suit zombie with a bloody mouth
spawn monster_zombie_suit_skinny Spawns a Skinny Suit zombie
spawn monster_zombie_tshirt_bald Spawns a Bald zombie similar to the one in the infirmary
spawn monster_zombie_tshirt_blown Spawns a zombie almost exactly like the one in the infirmary
spawn monster_boss_cyberdemon Spawns Cyberdemon
spawn monster_boss_guardian Spawns Guardian
spawn monster_boss_guardian_seeker Spawns Guardian's Seeker
spawn monster_boss_guardian_spawner Spawns the floating blue thing above the Guardian. O.o;
spawn monster_boss_sabaoth Spawns Sabaoth
spawn monster_boss_vagary Spawns Vagory
spawn monster_boss_Vagary Spawns the spider boss, Vagary.
spawn monster_boss_sabaoth Spawns the CPU boss, Sabaoth.
spawn monster_boss_maledict_cinematic Spawns an immobile, untouchable, unremovable Maledict,
the thing you see in the ending cinematic of the game. There is no point in this one.

Test Maps:
Cheat Effect
map testmaps/test_box A simple room
map testmaps/test_boxstack Tall room with domino effect boxes
map testmaps/test_lotsaimps Large room with lots of enemies
Level Select

Cheat Effect
map game/mp/d3dm5 Multiplayer Map 5
map game/mp/d3dm4 Multiplayer Map 4
map game/mp/d3dm3 Multiplayer Map 3
map game/mp/d3dm2 Multiplayer Map 2
map game/mp/d3dm1 Multiplayer Map 1
map game/site3 Site 3
map game/recycling2 Recycling 2
map game/recycling1 Recycling 1
map game/pdas PDAs
map game/monorail Monorail
map game/mc_underground MC Underground
map game/mars_city2 Mars City 2
map game/mars_city1 Mars City 1
map game/hellhole Hellhole
map game/hell1 Hell 1
map game/enpro Enpro
map game/delta5 Delta 5
map game/delta4 Delta 4
map game/delta3 Delta 3
map game/delta2 Delta 2
map game/delta1 Delta 1
map game/cpuboss CPU Boss
map game/cpu CPU
map game/commoutside Comm Outside
map game/comm1 Comm 1
map game/caverns1 Caverns 1
map game/caverns2 Caverns 2
map game/alphalabs4 Alpha Labs 4
map game/alphalabs3 Alpha Labs 3
map game/alphalabs2 Alpha Labs 2
map game/alphalabs1 Alpha Labs 1
map game/admin Mars City Administration
Third-Person Mode

Multiplayer: Command Cheat.
This cheat allows you to give voice repsonds in the multiplayer mode it can be
used in all game types but is good to use in team death match since it does use
responses for commanding your team.

Cheat Effect
exec mp_vchat Activates the cheat.
Press . (Period) "That Sucked"
Press 0 (Zero) "Great Game"
Press 1 (One) "Cancel That"
Press 2 (Two) "Pull Back!"
Press 3 (Three) "Prepare for Attack"
Press 4 (Four) "Grab the Armour"
Press 5 (Five) "Cover Me"
Press 6 (Six) "Over Here"
Press 7 (Seven) "Attack Now"
Press 8 (Eight) "Move In "
Press 9 (Nine) "I'll Take That"
Press * (Star) "Hack"
Press / (Backslash) "Die Already"

Cabinet Lock Codes:
Enter these on the panels found on the numbered cabinets through out the game.

Password Effect
0508 Martian Buddies 1 and 2
468 #669
372 #666
571 #452
836 #387
836 #386
841 #317
298 #215
371 #213
624 #117
624 #116 (second)
972 #116
715 #114
538 #112
579 #104
259 #103
364 #079
364 #078
651 #064
972 #063
142 #054 (second)
246 #054
123 #049
123 #048
123 #047
102 #039
409 #038
531 #023
347 #017
586 #013
752 #009
483 #003
396 #001
734 Weapons Storage 1 and 2
298 21D
734 Plasma Storage
584 Mars City Armory
826 Monorail Airlock
842 Valve 1 Terminal
931 Security Chief Door
725 Storage 07
463 Level 3 Access
624 #216
624 #217
627 CPU Lab A

Defeating Sarge:
Be prepared to die a few times. Beware of the edge of the room, as you can fall
off. Also, do not hide behind the pillars for too long. They will open up and arc
electricity periodically. When you walk into the room, a giant bay door at the
opposite end of the room will open, revealing the "new and improved" Sarge. As
soon as that door opens a crack, start lobbing rockets in there. After you score
about six good hits without being splattered by his BFG, break out the Soul Cube
(that you should have charged before entering the room) and let him have it. It
should kill him and heal you. Pick up the armor and ammunition around the room
before continuing.

Use the following trick to kill the new and improved Sarge much easier. The key
is to use the chaingun. It will blow up his BFG bullets in his face. It will take
about thirty seconds to kill him in this way, and you do not have to use the Soul
Cube. There is is a video disc that you will get just before you fight him that
explains the BFG, and says that small arms fire will blow up the chip in the ball
of energy, making it explode instantly.

Longer lasting oxygen timer:
Use the following trick to have longer lasting oxygen time. On any level where your oxygen
timer is counting down, enable the pm_air 58000 code just before entering outside and the
oxygen timer starts. You will now have a longer oxygen timer countdown. The default value
is "1800". Using this code sets how many milliseconds of oxygen you will have.
Note: If you change it to a number other than 58000, your oxygen timer may start out at
various different numbers than 100%. You may bind this code to a key to make it more
convenient, for example bind "o" "pm_air 58000"

Skip introduction:
Use the following trick to start the first actual level with full health, armor, and a
shotgun. It will also skips the entire introduction sequence. Start a new game. Make a
180 degree turn and run forward. If done correctly, you should fall to your death.
Select "Restart Level" and you will resume you at the beginning of Mars City.

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