Thursday, November 11, 2010

Automaton Game Cheat Codes


Submitted by: David K

Use Your Mind!:
Automaton has a limited Telekinetic ability which you can use to
manipulate small objects in the environment. Click on every item
you can find to see what happens!

Alphabet Soup:
Stuck on the code puzzle? Count using your fingers - not numbers,
but letters! A, B, C....

The Hallway:
-Grab the red pump from the ground
-Use it with the mineral tank, then use it with the apple
-Click on the apple
-Use the pump with the water tank, then use it on the apple
-Use the pump on the nutrients tank, then on the apple a few times
-The old guy is saved from the worm

The Library:
-Listen to what the old guy has to say
-Pick up the glue from the table
-Click on the chair near the table and 'Boom'... it moves onto the table
-Click on the lamp to make the lamp shade go bye bye
-Use the glue on the top of the lamp, then click on the chair
-Just click the screen and you have finished the library

Basement 03b:
-This is too easy, just wait for the security system to activate
-Now type in A.U.R.A. into ot and you have done this level

The Exit:
-Click on the coal to the left of the screen
-Use the coal with the engine
-Use the red pump with the puddle in the bottom right, you now
have water
-Use the water with the pipe on the left of the engine
-Click anywhere on the screen and you have finished part 1

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