Friday, January 14, 2011

Will Rock Game Cheat Codes

Will Rock

Submitted by: conner54

Defeating Zeus:
Use Titan Damage and Immortality, then make your way to Zeus's throne.
Go underneath his feet and shoot from there. He cannot reach you with
lightning or fire. Watch out for the smaller enemies.

Submitted by: Rickster
I found that by pressing "Alt + 3" during game play, Will Rock was instantly
put in "god-mode". I have never played a 3D shooter with such an easy approach
to cheat codes, I am not complaining; I'm just glad that it works!

Submitted by: Duc Nguyen

Alt+E - Godmode

Submitted by: Siavash

Do you want make the game easy? It is realy easy just wright RICHSTER then
push ALT+9 it will make some cheats free then push ALT+~ now you can fly and
if you want to change your CREATURE push ALT+5 and if you want to kill all
enemies that you see push ALT+6.

First write RICKSTER in the game(when you are playing) then push the ALT+3
for GOD-MODE,ALT+9 for allowing to some other cheats the press ALT+~ for flying

Cheat Codes:
Enter one of the following codes at the main menu.

Effect Code
-------------------------- --
zeuspower - Invincibility
locknload - Unlimited ammunition
shadowrock - invisibility
smackdown - Titan damage
rollercoaster - Titan motion

Cheats Overview:
All cheats simply require the alt button and the correct keys.

Code: Description:
ALT+3 - God mode
ALT+~ - Fly
ALT+5 - Change Creature
ALT+6 - Kill all visable enemies
Alt-1 - freezes enemys
Alt-8 - comit suicide
Alt-7 - targeting

Determine Correct Path In Levels:
If you find yourself wandering around in the levels, not knowing if you’ve
been there before, simply shoot some vases and other pottery items to determine
that you’ve been there. These items also contain treasures that you can use to
gain favor from the gods. If an area is clear of enemies, it’s an area that you
have been to. An area teaming with monster is an indication that you haven’t been

One-Hit And Multi-Kills:
Correct timing of the shovel as a weapon will result in one-hit kills. Proper
technique with the shotgun can result in multiple kills with one shot. Make sure
the enemy is lined up one behind the other.

Skip The Invisible Wall In Level 3/ Level Warp:
Go To the \Will Rock\bin open up willrock.cfg file in note or whatever and edit
this line under [Debug]

UiNewGameLevel = lev_1_1_outdoor.lg

and change it to this:

UiNewGameLevel = lev_1_4_corridors.lg

Go to a new game in Will Rock and you will
start at level 4 skipping that whole level 3 problem. If you sub in any level name
into that line u can basically warp to any level.
Level names are found in the levels folder.

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