Saturday, January 15, 2011

You Don't Know Jack! Television Game Cheat Codes

You Don't Know Jack! Television

Submitted by: conner54

Start a seven question, one player game. Finish the game.
Keep pressing B at the high-score screen and continue to do
this during the commercials. After the first commercial or
two, you will be treated to bloopers. The sounds will play
as follows: commercial, blooper, commercial, blooper, etc.

Special greeting:
When playing the game on a holiday you will get a special
greeting. The same thing happens early in the morning, late
at night, and Friday and Saturday nights.

Host burns you worse then usual:
Type F**k You (without the asterisks) as your player name,
then when you get a gibberish question, type F**k You
(without the asterisks) to get an even worse response
than if you had entered a regular name.

The ultimate response:
Start a three player game, then wait for a gibberish question. Proceed
to buzz in with each player and type F**K You (without the asterisks).
The third time you do this, the host goes on about how he is not putting
up with this and quitting the game. During this, press any key. The host
will say similar to , " Oh no, you're not getting out that easy, this
game is over!". Then, something very funny will happen.

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