Thursday, January 13, 2011

Trespasser Game Cheat Codes


Cheat Codes:
To activate these codes press Ctrl-F11. A cursor
will pop up in the bottom left corner. Type the
desired code then press ENTER. When finished press
Ctrl-F11 again.

Code Effect
BIONICWOMAN - Jump high, but run slow.
INVUL - Invulnerablitly.
LOC - Location.
GORE 2 - Enhances level of blood.
DINOS - Pause Dinos in tracks.
BONES - Shows outline, of things you can interact
with, or just shows objects.
WOO - Unlimited ammo.
TNEXT - Transports you through important locations
on the level.
GORE - Fatal error.
WIN - Ending movie.
SORT - Fatal error.

Level Select:
You can also jump to any level by hitting CTRL + shift + Q + W
and then letting up on W.

Hidden Gun:
In the second board where you have pile a box up to get over the
cliff do the following. Pick up the smallest rock possible. Try
to throw it to knock down the box farthest left. if you hit it
just right you should have knocked down a Bannell1 M1 Super 90.

Easter egg:
In town, head to the Research Center when you reach the steps
(before walking up), turn 90 degrees to the right. Walk straight
for the gate with the blockades in front of it.

Go around the blockades and get to the gate itself. It has two
beams "locking" it shut.

If you're really Trespasser savvy, you shouldn't have much
difficulty climbing up to gate. (keep jumping, and walking
forward until you are at the top). Don't worry about falling
off to the other side, there is one of those invisible boundaries
here. You couldn't walk off the wall if you wanted to.

Balance on the gate and get onto the wall (to the right). Now walk
on the top of the wall towards the church and Hammond's house.

Way before you reach anything, you will see a niche in the top of
the wall. Don't try to jump over it. Just keep walking. The
computer will suddenly load up the easter egg level.

The level has: all the weapons, a raptor, two gold bars, a gray
InGen card, a HUGE stone domino set each of the four corners are
marked with a funky floating cube, a large floating paper
airplane-like thing pointing to a little path in the land (if
you follow the path you can safely "fall" off the world onto
the white "nothingness", where, I suppose, you are stranded for
all eternity. Some vacation.), a severed human head (one of
the folks at DreamWorks?), and several perplexing "markings"
on the ground (one appears to have a "beam" of light shining
on it from heaven). To make things worse, Annie keeps saying
odd things like, "It looks like it wandered off the trail" or
something like that.

Killing the T-Rexes:
The game's most powerful enemies, the seven T-Rexes, may seem
invincible, but in fact they are killable. It just requires enough
firepower to kill half an army, and on some levels there simply
aren't enough guns available to do the deed.

The most obvious killable T-Rex is the Temple Guardian at the end
of Level 5, since on this level you're given a super-powerful toxin
gun which can kill him in 2-3 hits.

The T-Rex roaming the dock warehouses in Chapter 4 is also killable.
Just gather all the guns in the area and put them in the warehouse
nearest to T-Rex (he should remain in one place feasting on the
stegosaur he just killed). Blast at him with all the guns you've
got, discarding them as they run out of ammo and pick up new ones.
You may have to chase him down as he weakens, but eventually he
should go down.

The T-Rex at the start of Level 4 is also theoretically killable by
this method, but it's much harder to pull off since he will attack
you immedietely unlike the warehouse T-Rex who's busy munching on
a stegosaur.

The two T-Rexes fighting each other at the end of Chapter 3 are also
killable, since they damage each other as they fight. When one of
them dies, empty an AK-47 into the head of the other one. Usually,
this is enough to kill him if he's already taken enough damage from
the other Rex.

The first T-Rex you meet in Level 3 is theoretically killable, but
there aren't enough guns near him to do it.

The seventh T-Rex is floating some 200 feet in the air on Level 6
(obviously, not accessible without cheats).

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