Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Torchlight Game Cheat Codes


Cheat Codes:
Submitted by: RM

God Mode:
Alter game files at your own risk and always make backups!Go to
"\Users\(your user name)\AppData\Roaming\runic games\torchlight\settings.txt"
and look for this line:

console: 0 Change it to: console: 1

Save and start the game. Now while in game you will have to hold Shift and hit
the ~ key to pull up the console.
All cheats ARE NOT case sensitive

Code Effect
God - God mode.
CLS - Clears Console History.
Disablepet - Disables/enables player's pet.
Belt - Displays a list of all the belts in the game.
Boots - Displays a list of all the boots in the game.
Chest armor - Displays a list of all the chest armor in the game.
Fish - Displays a list of all the fish in the game.
Socketable - Displays a list of all the gems in the game.
Gloves - Displays a list of all the gloves in the game.
Helmet # - Displays a list of all the helmets in the game.
Potion - Displays a list of all the potions in the game.
Scroll - Displays a list of all the scrolls in the game.
Shoulder Armor - Displays a list of all the shoulder armor in the game.
Spell - Displays a list of all the spells in the game.
Trinket # - Displays a list of all the trinkets in the game.
Weapon - Displays a list of all the weapons in the game. You can break it down further
by typing "Axe", or "Rifle" and it will list those only. works for all weapons.
Difficulty - Displays current game difficulty.
NoXP - Gain no more XP.
Allstats # - Gives amount entered in all stats.
Defense # - Gives Defense.
Dexterity # - Gives Dexterity.
Fame # - Gives fame in amount entered.
Help - Gives list of all console commands.
Magic # - Gives Magic.
Money # - Gives money in the amount entered.
Skill Name/# - Gives skill of the name and # entered.
(to get skill list just type "SKILL" without parenthasis.)
Skillpoints # - Gives skillpoints.
Statpoints # - Gives statpoints in amount entered.
Strength # - Gives strength.
Ascend - Goes down a floor.
Descend - Goes up a floor.
Identifyall - Identifies all items in the inventory.
Levelup - Increases XP to next level.
KIllall - Kills all Monsters.
Quests - Lists all quests.
Playernotarget - Makes monsters not target the player.
Alwayscrit - Player always gets critical hits.
Reload - Reloads textures.
Resetpetlevel - Reset pets level to 1.
Resetskills - Reset players skills
Resetstats - Reset players statpoints.
Resetplayerlevel - Resets players level to 1.
Resetplayer - Resets players level, skills, and stats.
Restartlevel - Restarts the current level.
Room - Returns the room the player is currently in.
Questcomplete - Set quest to complete.
Questactive - Sets a quest to active.
Cameradistance # - Sets Camera distance.
(WARNING: Number endered is the Multiplier for the distance)
Setdifficulty # - Sets game difficulty.
Setpetlevel # - Sets pet level to number entered.
FPS - Shows Framerate and other info.
Speed Toggles - Additional speed for the character.
Godspeed - Toggles both God and Speed mode.
Combatlog - Toggles combat log.
AIFreeze - Toggles moster AI.

Cheat Item Replication:
Left click on any goods/merchandise (preferably the cheapest one). You'll have
selected the item to put it in your inventory. But instead of putting it in a
empty slot put it on a pre-existing item in your inventory (preferably the most
expensive one). You will have a replication of that item you clicked on.
Note: This won't copy the enchantments, but will generate a randomly enchanted

Summon Items - Item Codes:
Submitted by: Matt

Open the console (see above) and type "item ####" in the console and press enter
(e.g. for Perfect skull, type item 2627)

2607 - The Infinite Pure Ember Shard (+49 damage / +34 armor).
2629 - The Sea King's Core Ember Shard (+19 health per second / +12 strength).
2603 - The Grand Depths Ember Shard (-48 armor per hit / +12 dexterity).
2600 - The Fire Queen Ember Shard (+33 fire damage / +28 fire resistance).
2631 - The Spire City Life Ember Shard (+33 poison damage / +28 poison resistance).
2597 - The Earthstar Cold Ember Shard (+33 ice damage / +28 ice resistance).
2599 - The Eternal Flow Ember Shard (+33 electric damage / +28 electric resistance).
2627 - The Pirate Skull (48 health stolen per hit / +12 defense).
1766 - Elitch's Eye (15 mana stolen per hit / +12 magic).
1356 - Epic Snakebite Unique sword, 502 DPS.
1427 - Epic Eleven Ton Hammer 1061 DPS.

Add gold:
Submitted by: kehsiao

[Ctrl] + [Shift] + ~ for console type money [Desired quantity]

Submitted by: Gleb

Type in the console: Gold1000
It will generate some gold around you.

Over-the-edge combat and pre mission done:
Submitted by: tuong trang

When you stand under(or above) another platform where you can see a bunch of monster (mobs),
and its open for you to use far range shot, press shift+ attack move you want, this make you
using your skill from the upper (or lower) platform, without actually encounter mobs.
This can be done with most far range attacks (esspecially alkemis's skill).

The pre mission done can be easily done by using doublycate glitch: play one character throught
thestory easy mode, double up the mssion item, then put it in shared stash. then create another
one, and take the mission item out, and give it to the mission giver, instance item! (remember
NOT to pick up the real mission item in tha second char story, or you can NEVER get rid of it).

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