Monday, January 10, 2011

Strong Bad's Cool Game For Attractive People - Episode 2 - Strong Badia The Free Game Cheat Codes

Strong Bad's Cool Game For Attractive People - Episode 2 - Strong Badia The Free

Strong Bad's wardrobe items:
Submitted by: RM

Search the following areas to find the indicated wardrobe item

Eye Patch - Cereal box in Strong Bad's house
Camo Pants - Dryer in the basement of Strong Bad's house
Badia Shirt - Dig to the left of Strong Badia with the Taranchula Heavy Metal Detector
KoT's Beard - Right side shelf of the KoT's throne
Crown - Unplug the KoT's computer
Lectric Boots - Send an e-mail requesting them from the KoT's form letter for deliveries
Beret - Send The Cheat to an empty field in the Maps And Minions mini-game

Flammable items:
The following items can be set ablaze:

-Bleak House Flag in Strong Sad's room, after escaping (required to progress)
-Bleak House Constitution in Strong Sad's room, after escaping (required to progress)
-Bleak House Bill of Rights in Strong Sad's room, after escaping (required to progress)
-Smoke detector in the living room of Strong Bad's house
-Strong Bad's bed in Strong Bad's room
-Kimono on the wall inside Pompomerania/Club Technochocolate
-Paper mache skulls in country during Strong Mad sequence (required to progress)
-Lonely skull in country near the flag
-Lonely skull in country near where Strong Mad starts
-Bush at the Homsar Reserve
-Candles in the KoT's castle
-UN model in Marzipan's backyard; after winning
-Board game in Strong Badia

Strong Sad name calling:
Successfully complete the indicated task.

-Talk to Strong Sad during Part 1
-Talk to Strong Sad about the invisible fence two times during Part 1
-Search the shower in the House of Strong
-Use the pillow on Strong Sad during Part 1
-Put the Pilot Wings medal on Strong Sad during Part 2
-Talk to Strong Sad about Strong Badia during in Part 2
-Talk to Strong Sad about Bleak House during Part 2
-Use the fake sword on Strong Sad in Bleak House
-Talk to Strong Sad about Strong Badia after burning all his items
-Use the tuning fork on Strong Sad at the Homsar Reservation
-Use the Fake Sword on Strong Sad while at the Homsar Reservation Talk to
Strong Sad at Marzipan's
-Successfully complete the game, then talk to Strong Sad in his room

Prequel bonus:
Have a saved game file from Strong Bad's Cool Game For Attractive People:
Episode 1 - Homestar Ruiner to have all costume pieces from that game.

Flag locations:
Search the following locations to find the indicated flag.

Strong Badia - Search the brick wall in the field
Cheat And Tirerea - Get The Cheat to join you, then check the Tire
Concession-Stan - Search the bush on the right side of the Concession Stand
Bleak House - Search the box on Strong Sad's bed
Homsar Reservation - Search the "mysterious" bush near Homsar.
Marzistar - Use the Metal Detector to the right of the onion patch
Country - Use the Metal Detector near Country's flag
Pompomerania - Get Pom Pom to join you, then go to the bar and order a
can of Bull Honkey

TGS Idea locations:
-Search the following locations.
-Search the bookcase in Strong Sad's room after escaping the house.
-Use the lighter on the barred window in the House Of Strong.
-Use the Metal Detector to the right of the cave at the Homsar Reservation.
-Search the "ex-fish" three times at the KOT's castle.

Game manual page locations:
-Search the following locations
-Search the snail-mailbox at the House of Strong
-Search under the package near the low white fence in the Field
-Search the mailbox at Marzistar
-Search under the box near the bar at In Club Technochocolate/Pompomerania

Strong Sad name calling:
Complete the indicated task.

-Talk to Strong Sad during Part 1
-Talk to Strong Sad about the invisible fence two times during Part 1
-Search the shower in the House of Strong
-Use the pillow on Strong Sad during Part 1
-Put the Pilot Wings medal on Strong Sad during Part 2
-Talk to Strong Sad about Strong Badia during in Part 2
-Talk to Strong Sad about Bleak House during Part 2
-Use the fake sword on Strong Sad in Bleak House
-Talk to Strong Sad about Strong Badia after burning all his items
-Use the tuning fork on Strong Sad at the Homsar Reservation
-Use the Fake Sword on Strong Sad while at the Homsar Reservation
-Talk to Strong Sad at Marzipan's
-Complete the game, then talk to Strong Sad in his room

Characters at attention:
Complete the indicated task to get the corresponding character at attention

-Have the Cheat join you
-Talk to Coach Z while preparing for the castle battle
-Talk to Pom Pom while preparing for the castle battle
-Talk to Strong Sad while preparing for the castle battle
-Talk to Strong Mad while preparing for the castle battle

Perfect Cave Girl Squad:
Perform these moves to get all the laughs:

1) Find the egg and give the Egg to Cheerleader.
2) Give the clay tablet to someone other than SoAndSo.
3) Give wheel to SoAndSo in the Egyptian scene.
4) Use the dog on anyone but SoAndSo in the Egyptian scene.
5) Kill the last girl in Egypt, use Charles Darwin on someone.

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