Starsiege - Tribes
Cheat Codes:
Enter one of the following codes at the console window.
Code Effect
giveall(); - All weapons and 200 of all ammo
buy("ammo station"); - Ammo station
buy("energy pack"); - Energy pack
setarmor(harmor); - Heavy armor
buy("inventory station"); - Inv station
setarmor(larmor); - Light armor
setarmor(marmor); - Medium armor
buy("motion sensor"); - Motion sensor
buy("turret"); - Turret
Warp Cheats:
Enter those codes at the console window.
Effect Code
Warp to Blood Eagle base : gamebase::setposition (2049, "-250 0 20"); into ~
Warp to Diamond Sword base: gamebase::setposition (2049, "-350 632 20"); into ~
Equipment tips:
* The plasma gun is a must -- its high power and rapid fire make for
a tremendous weapon once you penetrate the enemy base. The grenade
launcher is also very powerful and versatile. The blaster is weak
for most combat -- you will often find yourself blown apart by the
enemy's plasma gun or disc launcher.
* The repair pack should be distant third choice for most gamers. The
energy pack offers a increased range of flight and can keep you
alive as most opponents cannot hit you in air. The second choice
should be the shield pack, especially for players that have use the
"action hero" approach and go off on their own. Properly used, its
effects are devastating.
* Grenades and beacons are very valuable to any player class. Dropping
a few grenades while hovering over an opponent is a great way to walk
away from the fight. Beacons are great for marking a target for a heavy
teammate to blast with the mortar
Capture the flag mode:
In capture the flag mode (Raindance, Fog of War), sell your chaingun and
bullets and buy a "Energy Pack". This will help you get to the flag and
escape. Also, make sure that you are using light armor. Once you get to
a tower (Raindance) you will notice a room by the opposing flag. Throw a
grenade in the room and this should stun your opponent long enough to
grab the flag and get out.
Avoid moving too slow:
If you have a player using "heavy armor" you will need an energy pack
just to get out of your base. Using medium armor with a shield pack is
suggested so you can take just as many hits without being very slow.
Game Tips
Go into a game with your own tribe or subtribe ready to gopeople you've
played with and trust. Tribes has a built-in IRC module that is helpful
in forming a team. To get everyone into a team game, one person needs to
find a game and join it; then you can simply click on the auto message
sent back on IRC to join the same game. That doesn't mean you'll all be
on the same team, but if the game isn't totally full, you can switch
You'll find yourself most mobile in the light armor. Practice and learn
how to utilize your jump jets (they take a little practice to master),
because they are your best defense against enemy lasers and the like.
You get a few seconds prior to the start of a game before things start
cranking; use this time to communicate, set up the command hierarchy,
and quickly plan your actions.
If you can manage a fully communicating team in a capture-the-flag game,
break into three groups: a defensive team to watch your flag, an offensive
team to seize the opponent's flag, and a special ops team to place sensors
and generally cause havoc in the middle of the battlefield.
Get to know the battlefields! Understanding how to flank an opponent
requires a solid knowledge of a given map's terrain and objectives.
Never underestimate the value of having one teammate always man the
command console and operate the remote turrets. I was single-handedly
able to defend our flag base for ten minutes utilizing a hilltop rocket
If possible, have your offensive team outfitted in heavy or medium armor.
Because their movement is slow, bring them in to position (not head-on
though!) with the heavy transport. The team will need the extra armor
to stand the defensive fire of your foe. Have a few teammates hang back
and cover them with the disc launcher weapon, and you'll get the flag
in no time. Finally, if possible, have a medium transport (faster than
the heavy) ready to ferry the flag holder back to your base.
The best way to find a tribe to join is to hang out in Dynamix's #tribes
IRC channel. You'll be able to chat with a ton of folks who share your
particular strategies and approaches to the game. Just don't be afraid
to speak up and be heard.
Practice using a targeting laser and enlist several teammates armed with
heavy mortars to rain down terror on your opponent's base. The chaos will
keep the enemy disorganized.
Remember that taking out your opponents' generators is a great way to
throw a wrench in their gears (it will require a major infiltration of
their base, though). With generators down, sensors and turrets won't
work, and the opposing players can't rearm or nab any fresh ammunition
from the remote stations.
All technology:
Use a text editor such as notepad to edit the "campaign.cs" file in the
desired campaign folder. Change the "techLevel = 3;"
entry to "techLevel = 10;". Start a new game in the edited campaign for
all technology.
Special voices:
Type one of the following entries at the chat feature.
~wcolor6 (Damn it)
~wdsgst4 (Argh)
~wdsgst5 (Sigh)
~wcheer2 (Woo Hoo)
~wcheer1 (All right)
~wcheer3 (Yea)
~wyes (Yes)
~wwatchsh (Hey)
~wbelay (Belay order)
~wdoh (Ah crap - female only)
~wdoh (Doh - male only)
The following a list of things to type and get a voice in a game and your
own personal touch without the need of a voice pack. For example, type
~wattack to say "Attack!" without words. However, type Get Them! ~wattack
into the chat window, your message will say "Get Them!" and you will hear
~wattack (Attack!)
~wwaitsig (Wait for my signal to attack!)
~wcease (Cease Fire!)
~wmoveout (Move out!)
~wretreat (Retreat!)
~whitdeck (Hit the deck!)
~wregroup (Regroup!)
~wcoverme (Cover Me!)
~wono (Going Offence!)
~wwaitpas (APC redy to go... waiting for passengers)
~wtgtacq (Target aquired!)
~wfiretgt (Fire on my target!)
~wneedtgt (I need a target!)
~wtgtout (Target out of range.)
~wdesgen (Destroy the enemy Generators )
~wgendes (Enemy generator destroyed!)
~wdestur (Destroy enemy turrets!)
~wturdes (Enemy turret destroyed!)
~wincom2 (Incoming Enemies!)
~wbasatt (We are being attacked!)
~wbasundr (The enemy is attacking our base!)
~wneeddef (We need more defense!)
~wdefbase (Defend our base!)
~wdefend (Defending our base!)
~wbasetkn (Our base has been taken!)
~wbsclr2 (Our base is secure!)
~wisbsclr (Is our base clear?)
~wflgtkn1 (Our flag is not in the base!)
~wflgtkm2 (The enemy has our flag!)
~whaveflg (I have the enemy flag!)
~wflaghm (Our flag is secure!)
~wretflag (Return our flag to our base!)
~wgeteflg (Get the enemy falg!)
~wflgmine (Our flag is mined!)
~wclrflg (Clear the mines from our flag!)
~wmineclr (Mines have been cleared!)
~wneedrep (Need repairs!)
~wneedpku (I need an APC pickup!)
~wneedesc (I need an escort back to base!)
~wneedamo (Can anyone bring me some ammo?!?!)
~wwshoot3 (Watch were you're shooting!)
~wdontkno (I don't know!)
~wno (No)
~wyes (Yes)
~wthanks (Thanks)
~wnoprob (No Problem)
~wsorry (Sorry)
~whurystn (Hurry up with that station!)
~woops1 (Doh!)
~woops2 (Oops!)
~wcolor2 (Shazbot!)
~wcolor6 (Damnit!)
~wcolor7 (Ah Crap!)
~wdsgst1 (Duh!)
~wdsgst2 (You idiot!)
~wovrhere (Over here!)
~woutway (Move outta the way!)
~wretreat (Retreat!)
~wdsgst4 (Stop)
~wcheer1 (All right!)
~wcheer2 (Woo Hoo!)
~wcheer3 (Yeah!)
~wtaunt10 (How'd that feel?)
~wtaunt4 (Come get some!)
~whello (Hi!)
~wbye (Bye!)
~wacknow (Command acknowledged!)
~wobjcomp (Objective complete!)
~wobjxcmp (Unable to complete objective!)
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