Sunday, January 9, 2011

Splinter Cell - Double Agent Game Cheat Codes

Splinter Cell - Double Agent

Cheat Codes:
Note: This procedure involves editing a game file; create a backup copy of the
file before proceeding. Use a text editor to edit the "splintercelluser" and
"splintercelluser1" files in the "\ubisoft\tom clancy's splinter cell double
agent\scda-offline\system" folder. Scroll down until you find the area with the
key bindings. For example, use [F2] to [F4] and bind one of the following codes
to a function key as indicated. Press it during game play to toggle the cheat
function. Note: The game may crash after some time.

For example:

Effect Code
Flight mode - fly
Invisible to NPCs - invisible 1
Invincibility - invincible 1
Get health - health
Get ammunition - ammo
No clipping mode - ghost
Disable no clipping - walk
Freeze enemies - playersonly
Kill all enemies - killpawns
Spawn airfoil round - summon echeloningredient.eringairfoilround
Spawn flashbang - summon echeloningredient.eflashbang
Spawn frag grenade - summon echeloningredient.efraggrenade
Spawn smoke grenade - summon echeloningredient.esmokegrenade
Spawn sticky camera - summon echeloningredient.estickycamera
Spawn sticky shocker - summon echeloningredient.estickyshocker
Spawn wallmine - summon echeloningredient.ewallmine

Alternate endings:
Submitted by: conner54

Ending A - Good: Have your NSA trust above 33% and save at least two of the
three targets (Crouse Ship, Hisham, Lambert).

Ending B - Normal: Have your NSA trust below 33% and save all three targets
(Crouse Ship, Hisham, Lambert). Alternately, have your NSA trust above 33%
and destroy two of the three targets.

Ending C - Bad: Destroy all three targets (Crouse Ship, Hisham, Lambert).
Alternately, have your NSA trust below 33% and destroy two of the three targets.

Elite mode:
Successfully complete Solo mode on any difficulty setting to unlock the Elite
difficulty setting.

Getting back to cell in Ellsworth Penitentiary:
When you sneak out of your cell by crawling under the bed and getting the
walkie-talkie, you must get back within the time limit. When you are up on
the grating, instead of taking the pipe down drop off. You will knock out a
guard. Then, go back to your cell and act normal. The grating is the only
way down.

Okhotsk, Russia Part 2: Bomb defusing:
In Mission 6: Okhotsk, Russia Part 2, after the talk with the Captain he
reveals that he has rigged the bombs to go off. Emile Dufraisne tells you
that they are in the machine room. Look for a crawl space near you. Go
through it and down the ladder. Once you are in the machine room, disrupt
the light near to the ladder with your OPC and the camera that you will find
nearby. Then, go to the first bomb (you will recognize them by a green light)
on the same level as you are on. You can defuse them by cutting the wires in
a particular order. The wire you have selected for cutting will be highlighted
in green You will know which wire to cut by a short vibration in the controller.
When you select the wire the Captain will tell you now have three minutes.
The rest of the bombs are located on the machine towers (two of them) and one
is upstairs roughly opposite the first bomb. Note: There are three guards in
the room. It is recommended to quick save the game before attempting to defuse
your first bomb so that you have an idea of how it is done.

Disposing Hisham's body:
If you are going to kill Hisham, wait until he is down in the parking space.
Kill him and pick up his body. Walk to the back of the red car and put him in
the back. Press [Place Charge] and stand back. Detonate it and the "Opportunity
Objective complete - Dispose of Hisham's body" will appear.

Bonus equipment:
Complete the following special objectives in single player mode to unlock the
corresponding item.
Electric Lock Pick: Primary objectives in JBA HQ 1.
EMP Device - Enhanced: Primary objectives in JBA HQ 1.
EMP Grenade: Secondary objectives in the Iceland Assignment.
EMP Grenade - Attachment: Secondary objectives in the Cozumel Assignment.
Explosive Sticky Camera-Attachment: Secondary objectives in the Iceland Assignment.
Frag Grenade - Attachment: Primary objectives in JBA HQ 3.
Gas Grenade: Primary objectives in JBA HQ 1.
Gas Grenade - Attachment: Secondary objectives in the Cozumel Assignment.
Hacking Device - Force Hack Upgrade: Primary objectives in JBA HQ 2.
Hacking Device - Software Upgrade: Secondary objectives in the Shanghai Assignment.
Night Vision - Enhanced: Primary objectives in JBA HQ 3.
Shotgun Shell - Attachment: Secondary objectives in the Okhotsk Assignment.
Smoke Grenade - Attachment: Secondary objectives in the Shanghai Assignment.
Sonic Grenade - Attachment: Primary objectives in JBA HQ 2.
Ultrasonic emitter: Secondary objectives in the Ellsworth Assignment.
Wall Mine - Flash: Secondary objectives in the Okhotsk Assignment.
Wall Mine-stun: Secondary objectives in the Ellsworth Assignment.

Ellsworth Penitentiary: Get back to cell:
When you sneak out of your cell by crawling under the bed and getting the
walkie-talkie, you must get back under the time limit. When you are up on
the grating, instead of taking the pipe down drop off. You will knock out a
guard. Then, go back to your cell and act normal.
The grating is the only way down.

Kinshasa: Extended level:
At the end of the ninth mission, Kinshasa, when you have a sniper to shoot
Hamza Hishima do not shoot him. If you do you will complete the mission.
If you do not, the crane you are on will fall down. Then Emile will yell at
Sam for missing Hishima. Sam angrily turns off his radio and the level in now
extended for several minutes.

Defeating Emile:
Make sure you have a flash and a frag grenade and full life. There are a
lifebox near the door outside of Emile on the right wall. Go outside to Emile
and an intermission sequence begins. When it is done, on your left may be a
laser beam. Wait for it to go off. When the laser goes off and Emile is done
shooting (he will begin again), roll to the next chair or bench. Wait until he
is finished shooting again. Continue doing this and go up for the fence/rail.
Jump onto it. Go down from it and you now must take Emile out. Walk away for
one or two seconds, and make sure you can drop the flash grenade near Emile.
Shortly after it is dropped, put your frag grenade in the same place.
Emile will not see you drop it and will be defeated. Then, read the
computer and defuse the bomb. Note: Take your time.

Disposing Hisham's body:
If you are going to kill Hisham, wait until he is down in the parking space. Kill
him and pick up his body. Walk to the back of the red car and put him in the back.
Press [Place Charge] and stand back. Detonate it and the "Opportunity Objective
complete - Dispose of Hisham's body" will appear.

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