Sunday, January 9, 2011

Sonny 2 Game Cheat Codes

Sonny 2

Cheat Codes:
Submitted by: RM

Max level and infinite money:
When I did training in the second level the first time it just cycled through
backgrounds so I quit the game. I went back to fight the end boss from level
1 again (last spot I saved) and when I won I got a second sword. I tried the
training again and went instantly to level 30 and infinite money.

The Baron:
I figured out that if your a Bio classed (the one you picked in the beginning)
you can get the skill called "Disrupt" and "Integrity" and continuously burn
The Baron Focus. Which causes the baron to have 0 Focus and use his skill "Deep
Burning", which causes him to lose Hp for Focus.
Note: You can put up to 4 Disrupt in you action bar/circle.

Hunt Tip:
* Stun/disrupt the sniper when he buffs his damage and piercing to avoid being
* Focus fire on hunt until his men drop their own shields and cast "desperate
shield" on him.
* Take out the men while hunt is stunned and shielded, then finish off hunt
when the shield expires.
* Caps lock is cruise control for cool.

Effective build for psychological:
Use all attribute points on instinct. give all your ability points to shock
therapy, free will, and terror. Then move along the electric tree til you get
to wraith form,then use it at the start of all battles, next use terror, after
that use 3 shock therapies (have them in your bar along with 1 free will, wraith
form, 2 terrors, and 1 electric storm) to begin the battle with the enemy at at
least 3,000 less hp (plus all your partner's damage).

How to kill the Hydra as a Bio:
Heres the way:

* vicious stike at level 4
* savagery level 4
* sharpe sences level 4
* shadow blend level 4
* and with your remaining 4 i recommend either
* subversion
* evolution
* endurance
* or integrity
* ive got them all ..
* ok and now your skill bar
* should go like this
* vicious strike x2
* sharp sences x2
* shadow blend x1
* then you will have 3 spaces left over..
* in my free spaces ive put in subversion, leading strike, and destroy.
* ok now to kill them you put on sharp sences, then shadow blend, then vicious
strike the fire claws and then vicious strike again then get your focus back.
* take the claws 1 at a time.
* Put veradux on planuex mode he wil keep you alive but if he isnt then put him
on aggresive and then put suversion on the person that has the lowest health.
* As the claws attack the person with the least ammount of health and then when
the claws heal your man put veradux on planuex again the next turn.

Tip for beating Captain Hunt:
You will go to the cutscene as long as the Captain's health is low. The other two
don't matter since they just keep casting buffs on themselves. Just let them live.
All you have to do is get the Captain's HP down before he uses Desperate Shield
on himself.

Mixed classes!!!:
Submitted by: sonny lover

YOU NEED 1 UN-USED FILES!! make whatever class you want level it up to level ten
then save goto PvP player one is whatever you made any class... then playe 2 is an
epty slot... click on that slot a few times then make a different class man under
that file and then you have that man first two attacks and the other classes attacks
and level but not stats... works best with bio and hydro... easy win through the

Level to 30 and infinite money instantly:
Start a new person, doesn't matter which class or anything else. Beat the prison
guard (and tutorial guy if u chose it) and click proceed. close the window thing
that explains sonny 2, and click on the far left spot, or the upper left hand
corner of the jail cell with the vendor guy. When u scroll over it, it should say
next battle. Click on that, and u'll enter a battle with the platform changing
rapidly. Press the exclamation point and skip ur turn. u'll see the screen saying
u've leveled up to level 30 and u aquired NAN money. congrats, u have leveled to
30 and gotten unlimited money!

Hints on defeating captain hunt (Bio class only):
Submitted by: bobby

1.Direct ur attacks on captain hunt for the first part of the battle.
(It is best to set Ronald into tactical mode and Veradux into defensive mode. Also,
train ur intergrity and endurance to have a higher chance for survival.)

2.Continue the process until cap hunt uses desparate sheild on himself.

3.Watch the sniper.If he boosts himself and gets a 400% dmg chance, use break or
anything that stuns on him to prevent Veradux from being hit. Training ur endurance
and integrity will let u heal urself and thus survive one shot from the sniper. Also
try to use wound on sniper.

4.Keep doing the process, u may also stun the medic to prevent cap hunt from healing,
n e way jus wait 'til the sniper 'n' medic drop their sheilds.

5.After they drop their sheilds, act quickly! First kill the sniper 'cus he deals alot
of dmg which might cost veradux his life...don't care about ronald, his health is

6.Finish the medic off 'n' you'll be left with cap hunt...time for the fun bit.

7.Make ronald go into relentless mode so he will always ure his shooting ability
against hunt, make veradux stay the same.

Technical Easiest Glitch for Hydraulic:
Suibmitted by: DLneostarG

This will be easy, just slam your enemy, but Roald will launch a stun attack will
stun enemy 2 turns, while sonny slams the enemy and stun it with 1 turn. after the
enemy's turn it will stand up but it is still stun. Easy isn't it.

Killing the Baron:
Submitted by: James

To kill the Baron you must lower his health down by draining his focus then he will
put a buff that is called deep burns and hurts himself for focus and it hurts about
two thousand damage per turn or if you lower it and you get lucky he will put a buff
called holy scars and hurt about four thousand each shot you make.

Make speech play after a battle:
Go to Zone 2 and fight the boss. Set your buddies on Relentless Mode as soon as possible.
Use whatever moves you can to destroy the Captain. If you have Roald (in your battle
party), he will say you have to go underground to escape. After that, the battle will
end, go into the item pickup and exp. collector screen, and have the Captain saying for
his troops to kill you in the background.

Baron Brixius killing (for hydraulics only):
Submitted by: Veradux

You can easy defeat Baron if you do the following: You put on your action bar max flash
freeze, max mind freeze and max frost. Just make him stunned with flash freeze and kill
with frost and mind freeze and that.

P.S.: To not lose too much hp put veradux on phalanx mode so he can heal you.

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