Sherwood Dungeon
Quick Sand:
4 quicksand go to the end of the island then it'll keep you from moving go
back 2 steps. then go ford and sink man sink.
Note: This will count as a death and respawn u. Fore the easy slide glitch
rapidly tap the up arrow (it looks like this ^ ).
Dark Overlord:
Unlockable How to unlock
good rank - find charlieprince in either chatroom 45 or 1
recomendation - find and destroy a randome clan in chatroom 99
a frost overlord - go to the frost place
a water guard - your station is under the bridge if you get that
a castle guard - the best rank you can get in a war
To teleport type in these codes:
/teleport1 is sherwood castle
/teleport2 is haunted palm island
/teleport3 is frost bite island
/teleport4 is the water island
/teleport5 is ancient sherwood
/join1 takes you to chatroom 1, change the number to anything less than
100 to go to that chatroom
/level1 is dungeon level 1. change the number for a completley
different dungeon. Note: You must type in a number equal or less than
your level when acsessing dungeons.
Dancing works:
Dance with the ring of 100% healing ,while in battle, with a shield in one
hand, and a power weapon in the other hand, and your healing time will double.
If you use the amulet of speed while doing this, your healing time will be 10
Dungeon walls:
Ok go to a dungeon (any of them!) well this isn't excatly a code but
if you scroll down while wlaking against a wall u can go thru it!
Talk to ladymarian
Unlockable How to unlock
enemy characters - /roi
levels - /mama
walktrough - /papa
potion - /kuya
items - /jerome
dragons - /ako
bounce - /wanwan
glitch - /ninyo
Richest ever:
OK so type /LeveL250 into the chat bar and it will take you there pick up
some stuff. Then type /LeveL1 and go to that guy who sells stuff and he will
buy it 4 30k!
Loads of Money:
Submitted by: ben davison
this is for loads of money (((i mean loads)))
first type in /level999,then get as much items (((not runes))) as u can hold,then
type in /level1 then go up the stairs,now go to the merchant thats above you now,
then sell all items that say level999 u will get bout 126457 gold off only 1 item.
Submitted by: NURDI0021
playeur online:
Submitted by: KILLA
Ok so 1st u type /level 500 in ur chatbox and then pick up about until your inventory is
filled actualy and then type /teleport 1 then go to the merchent he will take it for
90k each item.
Massive damage:
If you go up to an enemy and get them to attack you, just guard (shift and ctrl) for a
while (maybe about 25-30 seconds. Then attack. If you hit him the first time after
blocking, you will do extra damage.
Cheats,Teleport And More:
Submitted by: BugTracker
First Im Gonna Tell You How To Do Easy Teleport To Another Location.
First Type:
You Just Type That Codes That I Give You On Chat Bar.It Will Take You To Another
Location In Seconds.
If You Want To Know Are Playing Right Now On You ChatRoom.
Just Type /Who On The Chat Bar.
Secondly Just Type /Camera To Take Shot Of The Room You Are In.
Lastly:Type /Fps To Rate Your Frame On The Chat Bar.
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