Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Scorched Earth Game Cheat Codes

Scorched Earth

Cheat Codes:
Submitted by: RM

Extra money:
Edit the "scorch.cfg" File. You should see a configuration file with
lots of variables. Scroll down a bit until you reach a line that reads:

Initial_Cash=xxxxx (xx could be any number).

Delete this number and enter 100000000 (one hundred million) in its place.
Now save this file and run the game.You will now have your $100 million.

-=NOTE=- If you are careful, you can change any of the variables in the
config file. As usual, remember to back up your files.

Super charged super mag:
Note: This trick requires two human players, with one person having a
super mag equipped and fully charged. Have the second person get as close
to that person as possible, like this:

X (second person)

Have the second player set their weapon to laser, aim at the first player,
set power to 1000, and fire. If done correctly, the first player's super
mag will turn purple and should be able to survive against two nukes.

Go through canyon:
When you have the oil object that you can move your tank, rapidly press
Left and Right near the wall to go through the canyon.

Unlimited money:
Saving your money will increase it. Wait without buying anything about
20 to 100 rounds and you will have enough money to buy 99 of every product
in the shop. Have, if you wait too long, even buying 99 of all products
will not take all your money. It will keeps increasing and will glitch
the graphics after checking your money.

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