Monday, January 3, 2011

Requital - Wolfhound, The Revenge of the Grey Dog Game Cheat Codes

Requital - Wolfhound, The Revenge of the Grey Dog

Cheat Codes:
Press ~ during game play to display the console window. Enter one of the following
case-sensitive codes at the indicated screen to activate the cheat function.
Note: Entering the first part of a code followed by [Tab] will auto-fill all
matching codes.

- Press [Up] or [Down] to move through the console window history.
- Press [Page Up] or [Page Down] to scroll up or down through in the console window.
- Press ~ to close the console window and resume the game.

Use this Cheats in "Screen Inventory":

Effect Code
Add experience points to unit - AdExperience [integer]
Add close combat experience to unit - AddExperienceClose [integer]
Add distant combat experience to unit - AddExperienceDistant [integer]
Add unarmed combat experience to unit - AddExperienceUnarmed [integer]
Add levels to unit - AddLevel [integer]>
Add main levels to unit - AddLevelMain [integer]>
Add close combat levels to unit - AddLevelClose [integer]
Add distant combat levels to unit - AddLevelDistant
Add unarmed combat levels to unit - AddLevelUnarmed [integer]
Add money to the hero - AddMoney [integer]

Use this Cheats in "Screen Game play:

Effect Code
Hurt stamina of the unit under pointer - Bruise [integer]
Displays all commands - Commands
Set current time; 12 is noon 18.30 is 6:30 p.m. - DayTime [0-23.999999]
Toggle Debug mode - Debug [0 or 1]
Destroy object under pointer - Destroy
Toggle player overkill damage - Devastation [0 or 1]>
Exit game - Exit
Remove health points of unit under pointer - Harm [integer]
Toggle invincibility - Invulnerability [0 or 1]
Toggle full mini-map - OpenMap [0 or 1]
Exit game - Quit
Mission select - StartMission [mission name]

Debug mode:
Use one of the following entries after the Debug 1 code has been enabled.
Note: Enable the Commands code and view the "ConsoleCommands.csv" file that
is created for a full list of Debug mode commands.

Effect Command
Enable wireframe graphics - Wireframe 1
Hero automatically fights - AutoFight 1
Hero automatically plays - AutoPlay 1
Hyper Space mode - HyperSpace 1

Submitted by. RM

NOTE: ALL the Cheat Codes can be entered multiple times.

Arg (Argument) *Legend*:
F = Floating Point value (Either a fractional number or A whole number,
can be positive or negative in value)
Example: 23.42

INT = Integer (A whole number, can only be positive in this game though)
Example: 429

STRING = A set of Characters of course (letters and/or numbers)
Example: Wolverine

0 / 1 = A Toggle (0 will Disable, 1 will Enable)

Cheat Codes (case sensitive):

AddExperience [INT] Adds experience [INT] to unit (to the hero).
* You must be on the inventory screen

AddExperienceClose [INT] Adds close combat experience [INT] to unit (to
the hero).
* You must be on the inventory screen

AddExperienceDistant [INT] Adds distant (ranged) combat experience [INT]
to unit (to the hero).
* You must be on the inventory screen

AddExperienceUnarmed [INT] Adds unarmed (hand) combat experience [INT] to
unit (to the hero).
* You must be on the inventory screen

AddLevel [INT] Adds [INT] levels to unit (to the hero).
* You must be on the inventory screen

AddLevelClose [INT] Adds [INT] close combat levels to unit (to the
* You must be on the inventory screen

AddLevelDistant [INT] Adds [INT] distant (ranged) combat levels to
unit (to the hero).
* You must be on the inventory screen

AddLevelMain [INT] Adds [INT] main levels to unit (to the hero).
NOTE that this is the same as "AddLevel".
* You must be on the inventory screen

AddLevelUnarmed [INT] Adds [INT] unarmed (hand) combat levels to unit
(to the hero).
* You must be on the inventory screen

AddMoney [INT] Adds money [INT] (to the hero).
AddMoney 5
^gives 5 coppers
AddMoney 20
^gives 2 silvers
Note that 1 Silver equals 10 Coppers.
* You must be on the inventory screen

Bruise [INT] Harms [INT] stamina of the entity under cursor
(meaning the mouse pointer on the screen).
Use '0' to completely drain the lamer of all
stamina, muuuhaaaaahhaha.
Help, I've fallen and I can't get up!
[TNT] HAHAHA, he was a p2p lamer anyway.

Commands Displays list of all commands and writes it to

DayTime [F] Sets current time of day (parameter should be
between 0 and 23.999999)
DayTime 12
^high noon in the forest
DayTime 22.50
^22 hundred hours and 30 minutes (aka 10:30 pm
at night - beware the vampires!)

Debug [1/0] Toggles Debug Mode
Enabled many more debug commands, most of which
you would think are useless. Find the list of
these new commands in the included nova file,
* Read Step #5 of our install instructions too.

Destroy Simply destroys the object under cursor
(meaning the mouse pointer on the screen).
Totally blinks the object (or person) out of
existence. No death, just non-existence. This
is precisely what we want to happen to known
thieves and p2p groups. You do not exist!

Devastation [1/0] Toggles player's overkill
Oh yeah baby, OVERKILL! (Massive damage with
each hit, probably one-hit kills)

Exit Exits from the game

Harm [INT] Harms [INT] health points of the entity under
cursor (meaning your mouse pointer). Use '0'
for instant kill.

Invulnerability [1/0] Toggles player's invulnerability

OpenMap [1/0] Toggles Open minimap (meaning it reveals
everything on the minimap, even places you have
not yet explored)

Quit Exits from the game

StartMission [STRING] Sets start mission name to [STRING].
You must click "New Game" on the main menu
after using this to begin a new game starting
at the specified mission. Believe it or not:

a) Our list below is probably in the natural
playing order that you normally do each
mission if you didn't cheat.
b) The game will actually start you out at a
decent character level and with decent
equipment based on the mission number
(missions further down the list start with
better levels/equipment). Quite surprising
for a cheat code! We expected to start at
level 1 for each mission. Nice job, Primal!

Mission names:
Here is the list of MissionNames for non-thief


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