Sunday, January 2, 2011

Pokemon Volcano Game Cheat Codes

Pokemon Volcano

Submitted by: RM

Get all the gym badges and then go in the grass or the water for a
while until you find Manaphy.

Easter Egg - act temporaly with cloned pokemon:
Lose with the weaker pokemon and then choose one of the others and
then won the battle look to ur party and u willhave 2 of the same

Pokemon that don't evolve:
U can pu the pokemon at level above that they evolve that they don't
evolve even if u try to find something to evolve them. only avaliable
for the first weeks of this games

Easter Egg - find arboks in the wild:
In the wild u have 15% of chances to see an arbok even at level 1

Pokemon easily:
First go to Renato then seach for pokemon n grain (#4) and you will
always fight a diglet that has very low life but give a lot of exp,
thanks to it my torterra is level 80 and my charizard is level 79.

Get a free pokemon without fighting:
Submitted by: Ash Kechum

k follow the steps:
1)Ddownload cheat engine. (search on google or yahoo).
2)Log into pokemon volcano.
3)Open cheat engine and target pokemon indigo.
4)Type in this hex code (to be put under hex) AFF12NDN39B98ERYD3
5)Ok now you need to do this very fast so its better if you open about 6 internet
explorers (or fire fox's) and go to youtube and load some movie (it will make
the game slow) now.
6)Go to maps and fight any pokemon when it is loading the fighting menu quickly go
to cheat engine and tick the hex box. Then copy the hex code and press first scan.
7)Select the third option and press toggle breakpoint.
8)By now the game should have finished loading.
9)If not wait till then and close all the other browsers.
10)Now do one attack (If you are fighting a pokemon with a high level use a pokemon
with high HP.(screen should freeze).
11)Go to cheat engine and rightclick the highlighted option and press dissassemble
break point. Now go to the one that says exe000000(pokemon id) and change its
value to (the pokemon id you want) then press [F9].
12)It should say pokemon was caught.
13)Go to your zone and walah you have the pokemon you wanted.

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