Sunday, January 2, 2011

Pirates of the Caribbean Online Game Cheat Codes

Pirates of the Caribbean Online

Easy Kills:
Submitted by: RM

If you need help getting your level up then go to port royal, then go to Fort
Charles and go to the hanging station. There should be a grunt from level 14-18
attack him and we won't attack back! But dont go off the platfrom or he will
start to attack you and get veterans to help him! Happy Plundering.

Easy grenade experience:
Go to Misty Mire in Tortuga, and attack the giant crabs, big alligators, and
huge alligators using only grenades. They will not attack back.

Invincible Glitch!:
Submitted by: Tim

You have to be at Kingshead for this one. Run past all of the soldiers all the
way up the castle to the highest casle until you reach a door. Right beside the
door is a drop off, immediately turn around and there is an archway. Enter
through, turn right, and enter the first small room with an Assassin.
Hit him first and let him nearly kill you. Cool thing won't die. As
long as you don't put your weapon away you will be glitched and can't die.
You have to stay on that island and cannot use voodoo or gun.
ONLY CUTLASS AND DAGGER!. I hope this was clear enough. If done right, it
works every time.

Go 2 tortugan boat place go 2 the wall keep running ur in.

Work at the bar:
In tortuga bar (faithel bride) go up 2 carver go all the way 2 the right keep
running at the boared (may take a minaute) ur in there.

Submitted by: paul

Grapple a flagship but dont board just sail off and no ships will shoot at you.
You can then sail around and sink ships at ease. But if you go to port you have
to do this again.

Submitted by: Ashton

U have to have a regular old sloop to do this. First get the sloop not a war sloop
and not a light sloop. Then get on it but do not set sail. Go the the farthest west
cannon and run at it on an angle. Then u can walk on water. U can board a ship that
is still and drive. have fun with this one.

Easy experience I:
Go to Port Royal. Go to Fort Charles then go to the hanging station. Attack the
level 14 to 18 grunt and we will not retaliate, as long as you are on the platform.
If you step off the platform, he will start to attack and get veterans to help.

Easy experience II:
Go to a house or building where there are guards. After killing the person, stand
in a corner off to the side and wait for them to respawn. When they respawn and if
they do not attack immediately, you can remain still, heal yourself, and voodoo.
Out in the open with multiple enemies, find a location with enemies at a level you
are comfortable fighting against. Continue killing them as they respawn to get
experience and items from that type of character.
Note: This does not work very well on water.

Skill points:
For free trial players, you can only get two upgrades per ability unlocked. For
subscribers, each weapon can only get a total of 25 skill points. Use them wisely.
Weapons/abilities/definitions/attack points will be posted as the research for it
is complete.

Finding items easily:
Use the following trick when on a quest to find an item, either in a crate or as
buried treasure. For buried treasure, find a safe spot to dig treasure. After
digging, stay in the same location and the treasure will respawn. Continue doing
this until you get a message stating "Nothing of interest found". At this point,
you can no longer dig. For crates, do the same thing, but you may have to go back
and forth between two crates for it to work.

Swim through Cuba:
If you swim around Cuba staying against the shore, about 3/4 of the way around you
slip into the island. from ther you can cut across to anywhere on the island.

Submitted by: Rodolfo

The undead pvp glitch is fixed but here is a way to still do it and have fun with
this is how to do it first do a pvp then inside pvp when there is like a minute
left then do crew battle and wait till you get teleported to another pvp then press
exit match then if you ask some body if your lv is red and they say yes you did the

Submitted by: Jasmine

This is a cheat for basic ppl only who have BEEN a member before so u know the skills
on the cutlass, pistol, voodoodoll,etc, they have speacil attacks like on the cutlass.


You know u want to do them, but u have to be unlimited. so u know brawl is number 2,
and spin attack is number 1, taunt #3, etc. well press number 2 on your keyboard. U
WILL DO THAT ATTACK! i do it all the time. have fun. My name is jasmine and im always
hanging with my bf or something. my guild is rock n rockstars. contact me for eny
comments or questions at:

Hint - Better formatted thought bubbles:
Submitted by: Paul

When you are writing something, put a period (.) before the Text and the thought
bubble will stay up longer and it will look better.

Invincibility Glitch:
Submitted by: tgideerseason

When your in a jail cell, don't kick out just run at the part of the door where the
lock is and keep hitting f9(while running). It may take a lot of tries, but if you go
through your invincible until you log out. The downside is you can't tp and you can
still die on your ship. Also, you don't have unlimited voodoo either. My name is
tgideerseason and I am the gm of the guild Rebellious Bandits. If you see me say
something about this post and join my guild if you like. Hope this helps!

Another invincible cheat:
Submitted by: Little JJ

First go to Kingshead. stand at the door and only get 1 or 2 guys attention. right
before u die at about the same time leave the door. sometimes it might not work but
it has to be exact( well about) p.s. my pirates name is Sharp Eye if u need any help
just come see me and i'll be happy to help.

Glitch - Never sink:
Submitted by: captain jose

This isnt really a cheat its more like a glitch. First go to either isle de avercia
or isle de ponce. First sink one ship. Then get your ship sunk. Then attack another
ship and let it follow u until u reach a either kingshead or padres del fuego. Then
as soon as u do that make the enemy ship attack u until u have half health on your
ship then attack with left braodside then get your ship sunk. Then your ship will
respone and then land. Go to padres del fuego and try to sail your ship. U r glitched.
Your ship ill end up in the last island u were at and no matter how many times your
ship gets hit, it will always stay on half ship health and never sink. The only way
to get out of that ship is if u log off then og on then go on your ship and log off
agin and then log on. You may think this isnt true but try it. It will work 75 percent
of the time. -happy plundering- p.s. u have to do a french or spanish quest for the
glitch to work.

Glitch at kingshead:
Submitted by: Jon

Go to kingshead then go down the stairs to your left when you are at the bottom take a
right then go into the corner and start running towards the island. it may take a while
but you will end up going threw the wall. when you go threw the wall it will look like
you are running under the island keep going strait and you will end up in the fort -
notice there are no enemies in sight - now you can explore kingshead all you want without
dieing. my pirate name is john and my other is dog warsilver john guild is bros of the
fallen and dog warsilvers guild is bloody knights if you see either one just tell me if
you need help.

First get at least 100 gold pieces. Now, member or not, your a pirate right? So what you
do is you cheat on Blackjack, and how you do it, is...... alright heres directions:

1. Go to Padres del Fuego.
2. Go to Ratskellar (a bar thing).
3. Sit down to play Blackjack.
4. Press Swap cards.
5. Press the details to the top card of the dealer (PS: You wont always be able to swap
the dealers card, but when you do).
6. A small window will pop up saying "blah bitty blah blah, you have been caught cheating,
you have been fined 100 gold pieces." DO NOT PRESS OK!
7. RUN LIKE THE WIND OUT THE DOOR AND OFF THE STEPS and when your off the steps, press ok.
(Remember it may take some tries, just avoid the tables, and run out the door.
8. Happy, happy. Your invincible. If you have a low level, go left from where the jail is
into the cave. There are a bunch of high lvls there.

Submitted by: daniel

Go on your ship go against a ship dont fight back right before it sinks teleport off it
you will be invincible but you cant teleport.

How to kill a hired gun fast when you have unlimited access:
Submitted by: bob lee

To kill a hired-gun fast is use a dagger then use viper's nest[if you have one but if you
dont use a venom dagger] then use you're cutlass attack blade storm. You have to have a
high level cutlass to do this. if you kill a hired gun fast then you did it.

Get to the back side of Padres Del Fuego quickly without getting killed:
Submitted by: Robert Calicomorris

To get to the other side of Padres Del Fuego quickly without getting killed, go to Padres Del
Fuego, go in front of the Navy castle, on the end of the bridge , try going to the left side,
when you get in, you will see a wall on the left, follow that and then go through it, you will
see a beach, get on the beach and then up the hill or to the left. You are now in the town on
the back side of Padres Del Fuego.

Go underground in cuba:
Submitted by: CebuLips9

Go to cuba. walk over to the grass on the right. walk into where the grass has a sharp turn.
you should see sand and two stick huts. keep walking forward and you should go through the wall.
now you should be on the other side of it. walk over to where you see a building floating high
above your head. walk back through the wall from there. you are now underground. but if your
head gets too close to the sand, you'll come back up.

Submitted by: david boomsma

Go to any bar you see the litle room with boxes and stuff walk in the conner of the wall by the
litle conter ok it my work if you try a lot well if you get throw the conter turn fast then you
will be in there ok you can stay there or jump back on the litle room and you will be in a glich
it will let you see all of the bar you may walk thtow the clear wall to get behind the big conter
or just make a joke out of it.

How to complete the Black Pearl:
1.Gather a full crew. Make sure they stay about lvl 25 and up. Try to get a man who has take
cover. It is best to have a crew of 12 (including you).
2.Entering the Black Pearl. You could skip or watch the cutscene. When you are on the actual
Black Pearl, you will have to face officers (lvl 28 and up). It is best for someone to use
their staff if they have one.
3.After the officers, have your "take cover man" take the wheel. Then, Light Frigates will
appear. Don't waste your best ammunition but at the same time kill'em quick.
4.Allow your steering man to go. He should allow enough space to shoot the towers guarding
the drawbridges. Once you did that go as fast as possible and shoot the last drawbridges
5.If you actually made it here then your in luck. After the drawbridges, have everyone head
Try to hit him long enough so that your steering man can drive away fast. When you escape.
(drama music) CONGRATULATIONS!

If you had to do it for the quest at the end, head back to Jack Sparrow in Faithful Bride in
Tortuga. He will give you 2000 Notoriety points, and you get the special sailing skill Leadership.

Submitted by: olivia

the glitch is in port royal and... its across the sord shop go to the right a bit and go to the
closest tree and walk 3 steps forward turn to the right and keep walking to the brown brick wall
and you will be in a glitch then turn your pirate to the right side and go into the house building
then turn to the left and you will see an orange, red brick wall go into the corner of it and then
walk a bit more and jump on the slide stair way thing then... turn to the right and you will be on
top of one of the bars.

Special cave in Padres:
Submitted by: Jeremiah

(It helps if u are a high-level Pirate). When you are in Padres del Fuego, find a cave (a
white triangle on ur compass) and when u find one called "Beckett's Quarry", you are on your way
go through that place until u find the exit out of it... u should be in El Suduron go through
that, and u found yourself on the other side of padres- but be careful! once u get in, there is
a sergeant battling a brigand, an officer battling a raider, the infamous Undead Timothy Dartan
(gypsy boss) and a dread scorpion practically in ur face as u enter. if this does not make much
sense, or u have questions or comments, u can contact me at

Pirates Online poker glitch:
Submitted by: Randy

Ok, go to any bar on any island, go up to a poker table. take out your cutlass and do the "sweep"
attack, but right in the middle of it, press shift. you will be playing poker, but you can move
freely around the bar. and if you need any help my characters name is Hattrik so just come find
me im usually on the server antassa. have fun!

Submitted by: masen schneider

Go to port royal beach the one with out the dock and go around the corner and go up thos stairs
go to the tight corner and turn your body side ways and walk side ways in to the corner and if u
have any questions come see me my pirates name is jouhnny burneagle and ill be happy to help.

More accurate description of the walk through Cuba:
Submitted by: Alika

I have a more accurate description of the walk through Cuba. Instead of going 3/4 around the Island.
Go 1/4. When you teleport to Cuba. Go towards the entrances for Tia Dalma. But don't go in, go right,
follow the island around in the water and you can slip back there.

Play blackjack or poker and move around the place:
Submitted by: Allan Scott

Go up to a table(blackjack or poker) and bring out your sword and use sweep and before it ends join
table. ur in glitch. have fun playing poker or blackjack and running. if u go out it ends.(p.s.If u
wanna sit as u play and keep sitting then when its ur turn do something like check and then press and
hold the up arrow have fun sitting and playing. for any questions email me at

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