Saturday, January 1, 2011

Pajama Sam - You Are What You Eat from Your Head to Your Feet Game Cheat Codes

Pajama Sam - You Are What You Eat from Your Head to Your Feet

Alternate ending sequence:
Collect all cookie box tops to view an alternate ending sequence.

Factual errors:
The following factual errors can be seen.

* The foods at the peace conference are not in their "place" in the actual food
pyramid. Pierre Le Pan should be at the bottom of the triangle, and above him
on the left should be Florette, on the right, Granny Smithe, above them should
be Chuck Cheddar on the left, and #47 on the right, and at the top should be
the Lollipop.

The following mistakes in the game's continuity can be seen.

* When Sam first gets the super plunger, it stretches from Sam to Paper, about
five feet. Later when Sam uses it on Granny Smithe, it moves about a foot.
* If you get the B.C.S. book before the library card or the photo, the librarian
will place it on her desk, about an inch away from the edge. However if you
click on a book it shows a mini-movie of Sam talking to the librarian, and the
book is about five inches away from the edge.
* Sam rides the Gondola to the ski place. But when he skis down the hill and
goes back up, the Gondola is back, yet no one has moved it.
* When Sam and Sprinkle enter the Heart, they squeeze through the tube. But
once inside and at their destinations (Muscle Beach, the Bluburbs, and the
Foothills), they fit into the tubes without squeezing them.
* The bell game changes. If Pierre Le Pan is trapped in the prize booth, the
bell is very tall. But if he's on the Ferris wheel, the bell actually is
shorter, yet the thing that hits it seems to stop in the same place when Sam
hits it with the hammer.

Miscellaneous errors:
When Sam asks the Forman about his straw hat, he thinks the Forman is a delegate,
yet the Forman has a mustache, and he looks nothing like #47 (on the list), yet
Sam still asks him if he is a delegate.

Revealing mistakes:
The Gondola has no switches, so how could Sam control it?

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