My Tribe
Cheat Codes:
Submitted by: RM
Rain of stardust:
Build and directly demolish the Lunar tower and the Celestial tower (after level
3 of construction) for a rain of stardust (celestial tower) and moondust (lunar
tower). You can repeat this over en over en over.
Mystery Magnate Trophy - Celestial Starstone:
Use stardust on one person, then drag the person to the Starstone, after that
use 3 Stardusts on the stone. It becomes the star beacon, i.e. more stardust.
Mystery Mastermind Trophy - Celestial Moonstone:
Use moondust on one person, then drag the person to the moonstone, after that
use 3 moondusts on the stone. It becomes the moon beacon, i.e. more moondust.
Mystery Mogul Trophy - Wildflower Vault:
Use a legendary farmer (max agriculture) on the mystery flower plant. Then
complete the flower circles according to the colour sequence by planting
flower. A new flower colour unlocked.
Change Stats:
If you wanna add your tech points, use moondust or if you don't have any moondust,
stardust will do. Use moondust to change the person's appearance.
Use Stardust to change their stats.
Hints - Item combinations:
Use the following items together for the corresponding effect.
Sea water, Stardust, fish. - Use on the ground for magical hydrating rain.
Sea water, Stardust, guano. - Handy for fertilizing new growth.
Sea water, Stardust, mushrooms. - Sure to bring twin bundles of joy.
Rain water, Moondust, lodestone. - Aids in building construction.
Sea water, Stardust, wood. - Use on the ground for a beautiful surprise.
Sea water, Stardust, lodestone. - Use on the ground for a visit from the stars.
Sea water, Moondust, lodestone. - Use on the ground for a visit from the moon.
Sea water, Stardust, vegetables. - Use on the ground for fun with fungi.
Rain water, Moondust, fish. - Use on the ground to summon a storm.
Rain water, Stardust, guano. - Use on the ground for a floral display.
Rain water, Moondust, ironwood. - Use on an adult to improve construction skill.
Sea water, Stardust, ironwood. - Use on an adult to improve science skill.
Rain water, Moondust, berries. - Use on an adult to improve art skill.
Sea water, Stardust, rock. - Use on the ground to create a rock.
Rain water, Stardust, lodestone. - Use on the ground to summon a gift from the sea.
Rain water, Moondust, vegetables. - Use on an adult, and feed your whole tribe.
Rain water, golden relic, rocks. - Use on an adult to increase physical strength.
Rain water, golden relic, wood. - Use on an adult to increase mental strength.
Fountain water, Stardust, fish. - Use on an adult to improve fishing skill.
Sea water, golden relic, rocks. - Use on an adult to improve rock harvesting skill.
Sea water, golden relic, wood. - Use on an adult to improve wood harvesting skill.
Fountain water, Moondust, guano. - Use on an adult to improve agriculture skill.
Rain water, golden relic, berries. - Use on an adult to dye hair strawberry blonde.
Sea water, Moondust, berries. - Use on an adult to dye hai
Hints - Harvesting:
* Trees have to be marked for harvest. If they are not marked for harvest, your
tribe will run out of wood while you have the game closed. If they run out of
wood, the fire dies. And if the fire dies, the tribe starves to death because
they can’t cook any food. Always be sure to have lots of trees marked for harvest
when you leave the game!
* You have to mark rocks for harvest, too, but it’s not as crucial as wood. You’ll
just run out of rock and be unable to finish a building project.
Hints - Potions:
* You can only use rain water for potions while it’s raining. To make it rain, make
a potion and use it on the ground (fish+sea water+star dust).
* Making successful potions doesn’t take away from the quantity of star dust, moon
dust, and golden relics. However, if a potion blows up, you’ll lose that catalyst.
* If you don’t make enough huts for your tribe, the people will sleep standing on
their feet. The maximum population is 50. Nothing will increase that number.
High levels of physical strength make your people move faster.
* Only use the youth potion on the elderly with gray hair. Otherwise, it won’t work
and you’ve used up a potion. Plus, it will be awhile before that person can have
another potion. Look for golden relics on the beach when a storm comes.
Max Stats, Change Person and Fast Building & Research:
* To Max out the stats use the Stars.
* To Change the Person use Moons.
* You can use Stars and Moons to speed up Building or Research.
* For fast Building use the Star or Moon on the Buildingsite.
* For fast Reasearch use them on the "Science Lab".
* If u want guanos. click at the seabird swimming at the sea facing the island.
* Changing the system time on your computer can bring hazard on your tribe.
If you chose to do this be vary careful.
* For fun, type in your phone number to select your island. You may be pleasantly
* Speed Up Time! If you want to do this all you got to do is change your system
time or date and the game will think it is that day or time :P dont do it to far
ahead or they will die.
* If you use stardust on a sapling, you will get an instant full grown tree.
Moon Mystery:
If you have the moon mystery, then you can solve it after getting to level 2 technowledgy.
Once you have level 2 make sure and have at least 4 moondust, take one of your tribesmen
and put on moon mound. Game will say it starts to shake. Then take your moondust and
place on mound. You need to put moondust on there 4 times, then it says you did it and
you will now recieve more moondust to the island.
Dont choose a multi-sectioned island to begin or it takes too long for your people to
walk from one section to the next, and each section is too little to build only on one.
Hint: Guanos:
If you want guanos. Click at the seabird swimming at the sea facing the island.
Submitted by: JJ Judkins
(What I have found on the net compiled into one file)
Get science points faster:
-=Pillar that has the star shape on it=-
Arrange for an adult to get full (100%) science skills by continuing to use stardust on
them. You might have to do quite a few stardust because it seems that it randomly chooses
what skill to increase. Once at 100%, drag your person onto the pillar, he/she will switch
it on, then fill it with 3 stardust to finish the process.
You will get more stardust to fall.
-=Glowing stump, partial progress=-
Get one of your adults to full strength by using stardust (the only way I know right now),
then the person can pick up the stump to reveal a surprise
Try using the Star Dust on the research huts. It should give you 1,000 pints. 400 pts.
Ifyou use moon dust.
Get science points faster, make science a priority for many of your people and use a lot
of your moon/stardust on the science building, once u have enough to research technology
do so and then your people get points double time and also your moon/stardust points
increase when u use them on the science building, and to travel u have to build a boat
it takes a long time YOU can build the boat when u research construction lvl 3, once the
boat is ready just put a person on it and follow the instructions. Sorry don't know what
the fossil does yet.
-=Magic rain is seawater, stardust and fish=-
Little tree under the glowy stump to grow. keeps saying it needs special water?
U need to make the potion for magic rain.
-=How do I get Lodestone? =-
and with Lodestone you can make:
* Seawater, Lodestone, Stardust: Put it on the ground and the stars fall out of the sky.
* Rainwater. Moondust, Lodestone: Put it on a building (not 100% done) and it will gain
construction points.
* Rainwater, Stardust, Lodestone: You will get a gift from the sea
(I don't know what that means)
To solve the mystery with the fossil you have to put someone who is a master in Rock
gathering. After that you have to put someone who a master is in science on it.
to solve ( the rock with that moon thing in it ) you have to put some moondust on the rock.
after that you have to put someone on it with some experience with moondust ( you already
putted some moondust on him/her and it changed him/her looks before you putted him/her on
the rock )
My oldest triby just died at 48 of starvation, and my tribies seems to all be hungry,
although they ARE fishing and there is fishes on the mat. I built a extra food storage hut
for them but they just walk around a say they are starving. They fish, but it seems they
can't get their food from the hut. Any ideas?
do you have wood ? cause they need wood to make food
Element + Water + Catalyst = Target = Effect = Type
berries Sea Golden Relic adult puts all adults asleep Bad
fish Rain Golden Relic blew up Bad
fish Sea Golden Relic blew up Bad
guano Sea Golden Relic blew up Bad
guano Rain Moondust blew up Bad
rocks Rain Moondust blew up Bad
vegetables Sea Moondust blew up Bad
vegetables Rain Stardust blew up Bad
wood Rain Stardust blew up Bad
wood Rain Moondust blew up Bad
fish Rain Starduse very hungry Bad
fish Fountain Golden Relic ocean strong storm that damages buildings Bad
rocks Rain Stardust adult feels like crying Bad
berries Fountain Stardust adult dye hair black Cosmetic
berries Sea Moondust adult dye hair blonde Cosmetic
berries Fountain Moondust adult dye hair brown Cosmetic
berries Rain Stardust adult dye hair light brown Cosmetic
berries Fountain Golden Relic adult dye hair red Cosmetic
berries Rain Golden Relic adult dye hair strawberry blonde Cosmetic
mushrooms Sea Moondust adult dye hair auburn Cosmetic
mushrooms Rain Stardust adult dye hair dark brown Cosmetic
mushrooms Sea Golden Relic adult new hair style Cosmetic
mushrooms Rain Moondust adult new hair style Cosmetic
mushrooms Fountain Moondust adult new hair style Cosmetic
mushrooms Rain Golden Relic adult new hair style Cosmetic
mushrooms Fountain Stardust adult new hair style Cosmetic
vegetables Sea Golden Relic adult new hair style Cosmetic
vegetables Fountain Golden Relic adult new hair style Cosmetic
vegetables Fountain Stardust adult new hair style Cosmetic
Improve person
berries Rain Moondust adult improve art skill Improve person
fish Fountain Stardust adult improve fishing skill Improve person
guano Fountain Moondust adult improve agriculture skill Improve person
ironwood Rain Moondust adult improve construction skill Improve person
ironwood Sea Stardust adult improve science skill Improve person
mushrooms Fountain Golden Relic aged restore youth Improve person
rocks Sea Golden Relic adult improve rock harvesting skill Improve person
rocks Rain Golden Relic adult increase physical strength Improve person
wood Sea Golden Relic adult improve wood harvesting skill Improve person
wood Rain Golden Relic adult increase mental strength Improve person
Make something
guano Rain Stardust ground create flowers Make something
guano Sea Stardust farm fertilize (instant crops) Make something
guano Fountain Golden Relic farm fertilize all farms Make something
lodestone Rain Stardust ground create barrel/crate Make something
lodestone Sea Moondust ground create moon dust Make something
lodestone Sea Stardust ground create star dust Make something
lodestone Rain Moondust building speed construction Make something
rocks Sea Stardust ground create a rock Make something
vegetables Sea Stardust ground create mushrooms Make something
wood Sea Stardust ground create butterflies Make something
fish Sea Stardust ground summon rain Other
fish Rain Moondust ground summon thunderstorm Other
ironwood Rain Stardust adult feels happy Other
mushrooms Sea Stardust female next birth is twins Other
vegetables Rain Moondust adult all stomachs full Other
Submitted by: Joke
Element Liquid Catalyst Target Effect Type
Fish seawater stardust ground summon rain create
Fish seawater moondust x blew up bad
Fish seawater golden relic x blew up bad
Fish rain stardust adult very hungry bad
Fish rain moondust ground thunderstorm create
Fish rain golden relic x blew up bad
Fish fountain stardust adult improve fishingskill improve
Fish fountain moondust x blew up bad
Fish fountain golden relic ocean strong storm damages buildings bad
Wood seawater stardust ground create butterflies create
Wood seawater moondust adult anxious about future bad
Wood seawater golden relic adult improve wood harvesting skill improve
Wood rain stardust x blew up bad
Wood rain moondust x blew up bad
Wood rain golden relic adult increase mental strength improve
Wood fountain stardust x blew up bad
Wood fountain moondust x blew up bad
Wood fountain golden relic x blew up bad
Mushrooms seawater stardust female next birth is twins create
Mushrooms seawater moondust adult dye hair auburn cosmetic
Mushrooms seawater golden relic adult new hairstyle cosmetic
Mushrooms rain stardust adult dye hair dark brown cosmetic
Mushrooms rain moondust adult new hairstyle cosmetic
Mushrooms rain golden relic adult new hairstyle cosmetic
Mushrooms fountain stardust adult new hairstyle cosmetic
Mushrooms fountain moondust adult new hairstyle cosmetic
Mushrooms fountain golden relic adult restore youth improve
Rock seawater stardust ground create rock create
Rock seawater moondust adult feels angry bad
Rock seawater golden relic adult improve rockharvesting skill improve
Rock rain stardust adult feels like crying bad
Rock rain moondust x blew up bad
Rock rain golden relic adult increase physical strength improve
Rock fountain stardust x blew up bad
Rock fountain moondust x blew up bad
Rock fountain golden relic x blew up bad
Element Liquid Catalyst Target Effect Type
Guano seawater stardust farm fertilize (instant crop) create
Guano seawater moondust x blew up bad
Guano seawater golden relic x blew up bad
Guano rain stardust ground create flowers create
Guano rain moondust x blew up bad
Guano rain golden relic x blew up bad
Guano fountain stardust x blew up bad
Guano fountain moondust adult improve agriculture skill Improve
Guano fountain golden relic farm fertilize all farms create
Berries seawater stardust adult puts adult to sleep bad
Berries seawater moondust adult dye hair blonde cosmetic
Berries seawater golden relic adult puts all adults to sleep bad
Berries rain stardust adult dye hair light brown cosmetic
Berries rain moondust adult improve artskill Improve
Berries rain golden relic adult dye hair strawberry blonde cosmetic
Berries fountain stardust adult dye hair black cosmetic
Berries fountain moondust adult dye hair brown cosmetic
Berries fountain golden relic adult dye hair red cosmetic
Ironwood seawater stardust adult improve science skill improve
Ironwood seawater moondust
Ironwood seawater golden relic x blew up bad
Ironwood rain stardust adult feels happy create
Ironwood rain moondust adult improve construction skill improve
Ironwood rain golden relic x blew up bad
Ironwood fountain stardust
Ironwood fountain moondust
Ironwood fountain golden relic
Iodestone seawater stardust ground stardust create
Iodestone seawater moondust ground moondust create
Iodestone seawater golden relic x blew up bad
Iodestone rain stardust ground create barrel/crate create
Iodestone rain moondust building speed constuction create
Iodestone rain golden relic
Iodestone fountain stardust
Iodestone fountain moondust
Iodestone fountain golden relic
Submitted by: Witch
* Fountain...put a legendary scientist on the fountain and that will give you
"fountain water" for use in the "restore youth" potion. Only use this potion
on people with gray hair.
* RESTORE YOUTH POTION...mushrooms, fountain water, and a golden relic.
TWIN POTION...mushrooms, sea water, and a star. Use on female only after you
check to see if she can be made pregnant. You do this by putting her on a male
and putting "no" when it asks you if you want her and John Doe to have a baby.
I pick my man out in advance this way also.o that I can find him quickly after
she gets the potion.
* You can usually find a golden relic on the beach during or after a storm.
* BIG RED ROCK...put a legensary scientist and construction on it and you will
get iron ore which upgrades your tools to iron ones so that folk work faster.
Submitted by: Witch
Once you advance to the part where you can build a lunar (or stellar) tower, you
do not need to actually build it. If you put it on the ground and click on the
"demolish" button, after a few seconds moons will start to drop to the ground
quickly. I got 28 of them at one time. The stellar tower will give you stars.
If your demolish sticks at 99 percent demolished, use a star or moon to get rid
of it.
Submitted by: Paula
* Click to build a Lunar Tower, then immediately select it for demolish.
Not only will you receive the trophy for it but you will also get a shower of
* Do same for the Celestial Tower. Again select to demolish. Will receive the trophy
for it and get a shower of stars.
Multi-section islands:
Do not select a multi-sectioned island to begin. It takes too long for your people
to walk from one section to the next, and each section is too little to build only
on one part.
Submitted by: Jennifer
Moon dust- changes hair color, helps build progress. gives rocks or trees more to
harvest. Sea water, Moon dust, Lodestone-visit from moon (more moon dust).
How to get Moon and Star Showers:
When you get to the point where you can you can build the Celestial Tower (this
takes level 3 building), lay the foundation and demolish it immediately. This will
get you a trophy and trigger a star shower! Do the same thing with the Lunar Tower
to get another trophy and a shower of moons.
Some affects of the moon and sun stones:
* They can replenish resources.
* elp build buildings.
* Fertilize the process of plants.
* Give you recources (Use it on the fish,Rock,And wood buildings and sheets).
* Give you Science points (Use it on the lab).
* Unlock new cloths to costumize your tribe members with (Use on the Tailor).
Build ship:
If you want to build your ship without waiting to build your dock first just click
on build your dock then immediately demolish it. That will replace the dock with
the ship in the build menu and you can then start construction on your ship without
having to construct the dock first.
If you want to build a lot of trees at once click on build, click on trees, then
when you find an area where you want them click on the ground but don't release
the mouse just move it all around and it will plant as many trees as you want
unltil you release the mouse.
Question 12: How do I get twins:
Submitted by: Leo
Mix the Seawater, stardust and mushrooms together. Put that potion on the woman.
After that you make her have a child and you come out with twins!
Full grow tree:
Submitted by: Higui
I've seen in a number of places that using stardust on a sapling produces a full-grown
tree. I just discovered today that if you use moondust on a sapling, depending, I
suppose, on the size of the area surrounding it, you can get not just one, but
several full-grown trees.
Increase Population Past 50:
Submitted by: Kris
If you want to increase your population past 50 people, you have to be close 50 to begin
with(around 46-48). If a few people die then give all of your female tribes people that
can have babies the potion for twins (water, star dust, mushrooms). One after another tell
them to have babies. You have to do this quickly. Once you have told them to have babies
they will all be able to have babies even if you pass the maximum population. The key is
that you have to approve for them to have babies together before you actually hit the max
population. So many will be heading to the huts saying "calling the stork" even past 50.
If they are not already in motion once you hit 50 people it will not let you and reply "
you are at your maximum population". You can do this without the twin potion but it won't
give you as high a number.
How to get Berries:
Submitted by: CK68
If you select one of the islands with a what looks like a rotten bush, once on the island,
use the cheat for fertilization of new growth, and place it on the bush, then grab a legendary
agricutural person and place them on the bush, hey presto, another mystery solved!
Can anyone help me with being able to get some ironwood please??
Ship with out shipyard:
Submitted by: Atina
All you have to do is start a build of the shipyard then demolish it then when you go to
build you can just make the ship.
Genetic Engineering:
Submitted by: Tom K
Want a "Super Tribe"? Use your stardust on a younger male member of your tribe to max out
all his skills and attributes. This takes anywhere between 50 and 60 stardust on average.
When this "Super Dad" is bred with a female member of the tribe, the baby (or babies) will
have 100/100 on both Physical and Mental Strength, regardless of the Physical/Mental Strength
of the female. Occasionally, you will get a stray child with 98 or 99 on Physical but very seldom.
The advantages of this are two-fold. First, the "Super" members move really fast due to the
high physical strength. Pretty much a dead run all the time. Second, they learn skills at an
extraordinary rate due to the high mental strength.
Submitted by: Caressa
If you're tribe is dying because of them being hungry, than you need to research the farming
level to get the vegetables because they cannot live off of just the fish. Also, if any one
can help me on the FLOWER mystery, i don't understand how to accomplish that one, and their
is something that says about it but it doesn't explain well on what patterns you follow to
unlock the new flower, like do you finish three whole rings around the whole thing or just
the last or the first ring? I'm not technically sure but can someone help me out on that?
Flower plant:
Submitted by: julie
You must complete all three rings with the sequence of colors.look at first ring and figure
out what color goes next in line and so goes for second and third ring.good luck hope this
Need Ironwood?:
Submitted by: Mark
* You can get Ironwood under the Glowing Stump but.
* You can't get it if that mystery is on your Island.
* You can get it if you travel to other Island with it.
Fast Science:
Submitted by: Gavin
Email :
1.Build the science hut.
2.bellow it build a hut.
3.above the science hut build a food storage.
4.then make a wall of fire pits around them.
5.Put a 100% science guy it and he wll not have to leave.
My population is now at 81. If you want to go way beyond the max of 50 like I did you have
to use the twins potion on all child bearing age women without trying to couple them with
a man. Just use the potion and leave them alone. Make sure you have extra huts to support
more people. I currently use at least 26 huts because my population is so high. After you
use the youth potion and make a woman 36 years old you can use the twins potion on her
once each year until she turns 45. Do this on all the women and you will start having babies
If u are low on science ponts get all of the people researching for a while.
Poop can be magicl:
* Guanos can help u a lot when it comes to crops.
* Dont use moondust on a sapling because a star can do the job.
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