Thursday, December 16, 2010

Microsoft Golf 1998 Edition Game Cheat Codes

Microsoft Golf 1998 Edition

Tip 1:
Far be it from us to encourage cheating, but if you want to stretch
the laws of decency, go with the natural swing and run your mouse
along the side of any straight edge. Arrow straight every time. Oh
yeah, increase your mouse tracking speed in Windows' Control Panel
for extra distance.

Tip 2:
If you're beyond cheating, make sure to keep your arm lifted from
your table or desk when performing the natural mouse swing--this
really helps to keep your shot straight.

Tip 3:
Be ready to downsize your club for just about every drive and chip
you make. It's a quirk of the program that you must do so, but when
in Rome.

Tip 4:
When faced with a bad lie, do everything in your power to underpower
the shot. Less power, more control: it's a constant in tight
situations throughout the game.

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