Thursday, December 16, 2010

MechWarrior 2 - 31st Century Combat Game Cheat Codes

MechWarrior 2 - 31st Century Combat

Cheat Codes:
Hold [Ctrl] + [Alt] + [Shift] and type one of the following
codes during game play to activate the general cheat function.

Effect Code
Toggle invulnerability - blorb
Toggle unlimited ammo - cia
Toggle heat tracking - coldmiser
Toggle mission time-limit - hangaround
Add jumpjets - flygirl
Toggle infinite Jumpjet power - mightymouse
Destroy targeted mech - gankem
Explode an atomic bomb - enolagay
Toggle bounding spheres - michelin
View MW2 Sim Programmer Dorcs web pages - dorcs
End mission successfully - icanthackit
End mission as a failure - idkfa
Toggles time expansion - zmak or antijolt
Time compression key enabled - meepmeep
Time compression key disabled - unmeepmeep
Toggles mini-front-view instead of mini-rear-view - front or tlofront
Display strange message - dei
Toggle Auto-grouping - flashyflashy
Toggle leading reticle - walkthisway
Display Dorcs screen - wediditagain

Note: The "Toggle leading recticle" code forces enemies to follow the
targeting crosshairs towards your mech.

X-ray imaging:
Hold [Ctrl] + [Alt] + [Shift] and type xray. Press W to disable this mode.

Free-floating camera:
Hold [Ctrl] + [Alt] + [Shift] and type tinkerbell.
Press the following keys to control the camera.

Press [Ctrl] + [Left Arrow] to turn left
Press [Ctrl] + [Right Arrow] to turn right
Press [Ctrl] + [Up Arrow] to increase altitude
Press [Ctrl] + [Down Arrow] to decrease altitude
Press Z to move forward
Press [Shift] + Z to move backwards
Press C to return to normal.

Hold [Ctrl] + [Alt] + [Shift] and type one of the following codes for the corresponding

Type "lairdo" for "ATTENTION ENEMIES: Don't mess with the blimp." Type shit or fuck for
"Freebirth vulgarity will not be tolerated!"

Hidden Mechs:
Select a Trials of Grievance instant action mission.

* Changing your name in the Star configuration screen to "Calvin" (case sensitive) to
add the Elemental between Dire Wolf and Fire Moth.
* Change your name to "Hobbes" (case sensitive) to add the Tarantula between Elemental
and Fire Moth.
* Change your name to "Enzo" (case sensitive) to adds the Battlemaster IIC between
Tarantula and Fire Moth (latest version patch required).

Mission select:
Enter "FREEBIRTHTOAD" as a Warrior name in any of the clan halls. Any mission for that
Clan may be selected in the briefing room.

Hidden background information:
Select the holo-projector to get a list of background information on the game. Click on
the numbers to the left until a menu with information on the development team appears.

Ghost weapons:
Customize a mech so the weapons onboard in an online game to look like the following:

ER-Laser ER-Laser
Mgun LRM-5

The first LRM-5 will be duplicated between the second LRM-5, and take up no mass or
critical. It will be invisible, but will do damage when fired and create heat.
Note: You have to be in "chain fire" mode. The weapons can be changed, but the number
of weapons must be uneven and the last weapon must be on the right side of your mech.

Ghost ammunition:
Place your ammunition in the arms of a mech in an online game. If your arms explode
before that ammunition is depleted, there's a 75% chance that that it will become
unlimited "ghost ammo".

Hide in a building or mountain:
To hide in a building or mountain, jump jet forward then shut down before hitting the
Note: You must continue to hold the jump jet forward key after shutdown.

Stealth kills:
If an enemy mech is on the other side of a wall, ram into the wall and zoom in. You
will be able to see and shoot through the wall.
Note: This trick works with mountains and other walls that can not be destroyed.

Recommended Mech:
Select the 60 ton model and go to the customization screen. Strip away the large
lasers and replace them with medium lasers. Go to the LRM-20s and increase the
ammunition up to three tons each (eighteen shots total). When you attack, use a very
slow approach. Get a lock with 2x LRM20s, and hit them from far away. Almost all of
the time they will go down in one salvo. An Atlas may require two salvos. With
eighteen salvos at your disposal, you should be able to finish off every enemy in
the mission without using the lasers.

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